Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Neuroanatomic correlates of distance and direction processing during cognitive map retrieval 

    Faulmann, Igor; Descloux, Virginie; Saj, Arnaud; Maurer, Roland (Frontiers Media, 2020-08-24)
    Navigating toward a goal and mentally comparing distances and directions to landmarks are processes requiring reading information off the memorized representation of the environment, that is, the cognitive map. Brain structures in the medial temporal ...
  • A novel computerized assessment of manual spatial exploration in unilateral spatial neglect 

    Pierce, Jordan E.; Ronchi, Roberta; Thomasson, Marine; Rossi, Irene; Casati, Carlotta; Saj, Arnaud; Vallar, Giuseppe; Vuilleumier, Patrik (Routledge, 2021-01-21)
    Unilateral spatial neglect is a neuropsychological syndrome commonly observed after stroke and defined by the inability to attend or respond to contralesional stimuli. Typically, symptoms are assessed using clinical tests that rely upon visual/perceptual ...
  • Sensory contribution to vocal emotion deficit in patients with cerebellar stroke 

    Thomasson, Marine; Benis, Damien; Saj, Arnaud; Voruz, Philippe; Ronchi, Roberta; Grandjean, Didier; Assal, Frédéric; Péron, Julie (Elsevier, 2021-05-03)
    In recent years, there has been increasing evidence of cerebellar involvement in emotion processing. Difficulties in the recognition of emotion from voices (i.e., emotional prosody) have been observed following cerebellar stroke. However, the interplay ...
  • Signs of spatial neglect in unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy 

    Saj, Arnaud; Bachelard-Serra, Mathilde; Lavieille, Jean-Pierre; Honoré, Jacques; Borel, Liliane (Wiley, 2020-12-28)
    Background and purpose In this study, the question of whether egocentric representation of space is impaired in chronic unilateral vestibulopathies was examined. The objective was to test current theories attributing a predominant role to vestibular ...