Now showing items 1189-1208 of 1701

    Titles index
    Pain [2]
    Palliative and supportive care [1]
    Pandémie de la COVID-19 : confiance, moralisation et respect des mesures sanitaires [1]
    Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury [1]
    Paraphilic Coercive Disorder : Behavioral Markers and Validity of Diagnostic Criteria [1]
    Parental separation and child adjustment : longitudinal perspective and risk factors [1]
    Parenting [1]
    Parenting and preschoolers’ executive functioning : A case of differential susceptibility? [1]
    Parenting practices and psychological distress in adolescents [1]
    Parenting styles and adjustment in gifted children [1]
    Parenting, self-regulation and childhood anxiety : A Self-Determination Theory perspective [1]
    Les parents d'adolescents hospitalisés pour anorexie mentale : expérience d'aidant et émotion exprimée [1]
    Parent–child relationships and child executive functioning at school entry: the importance of fathers [1]
    La participation civique de nouveaux(elles) citoyen(ne)s canadien(ne)s originaires du Pérou [1]
    Partner behavioral responses to pain mediate the relationship between partner pain cognitions and pain outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia [1]
    Pathologie biologie [1]
    Pathways of association between childhood irritability and adolescent suicidality [1]
    Pathways to recovery among homeless people with mental illness: Is impulsiveness getting in the way? [1]
    Patterns of discrepancy in perceptions of workgroup and organizational cultures and their relationships to well-being, commitment and organizational citizenship behavior [1]
    Pediatric blood and cancer [2]