Now showing items 16477-16496 of 24401

    Titles index
    Une neuroprothèse de stimulation bi-corticale pour le contrôle locomoteur chez le chat intact et suivant une contusion spinale thoracique [1]
    Neuropsychological and neuroendocrine correlates of subjective memory complaints in seniors with or without depressive symptoms [1]
    Neuropsychological predictors of treatment outcome in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) [1]
    The neuroscience of cognitive enhancement : enhanced attention, working memory and visual information processing speed using 3D-MOT [1]
    Les neurosciences cognitives du langage, de l'autisme et des styles cognitifs [1]
    Les neurosciences et la réduction des processus cognitifs : l'approche de Eric R. Kandel [1]
    Neurotensinergic modulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in VTA neurons [1]
    La neurotoxicité développementale associée au méthylmercure, au plomb et aux biphényles polychlorés : l’attention et le traitement visuel à l’étude [1]
    Neurotoxicity and neurobehavioral effects of manganese phosphate/sulfate mixture in male sprague-dawley rats following subchronic inhalation exposure [1]
    Neutralité du net, entre fragmentation et convergence [1]
    Les neutrophiles ne sont pas résistants aux glucocorticoides [1]
    New and alternative approaches to the assessment of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic equivalence [1]
    A new avalanche model for solar flares [1]
    New functional polymer resins with pore size specificity [1]
    New grafted PLA-g-PEG polymeric nanoparticles used to improve bioavailability of oral drugs [1]
    New high through-put assays for detecting transglutaminase activity [1]
    A new identity for a new beginning : desistance from crime by the process of informing [1]
    New insights into small molecules inhibitors and protein-protein interactions of VirB8 : a critical conserved component of the type IV secretion system [1]
    New insights into the substrate specificities of microbial transglutaminase: a biocatalytic perspective [1]
    New insights on ammonia metabolism in endothelial cells of the blood brain barrier [1]