Now showing items 23957-23976 of 24028

    Titles index
    What voting rules do citizens prefer? [1]
    What ‘Security’, whose ‘Rights’ and which ‘Law’? : the Israeli High Court of Justice and the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank [1]
    "What" and "Where" in the intraparietal sulcus : an fMRI study of object identity and location in visual short-term memory [1]
    When glaciers vanish : nature, power and moral order in the indian Himalayas [1]
    When pain offset induces pleasure : a psychophysical and fMRI study [1]
    When rhetoric is a lady : rhetorical identity and Shakespearean female characterization [1]
    When sisters become brothers : the inclusion of women in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, 1952-2005 [1]
    Where there's smoke, there's fire : the brain reactivity of chronic smokers to anti-smoking stimuli [1]
    White Rabbit : agents intelligents d'analyse de discussion pour la reconnaissance de profils d'usagers compatibles [1]
    Why do peace negotiations fail? : a case study of the 2012-2015 peace talks between Turkey and the PKK [1]
    Why Say No? : Marriage Proposal Rejections in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre [1]
    Why they kill : criminal etiologies in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, R.L. Stevenson's Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian Gray [1]
    Widening gaps, productive spaces : the construction of Victorian identity in Thomas Carlyle, Lewis Carroll and George Eliot [1]
    WikiGames : une plateforme de jeux dédiée à la validation d’une base de connaissances produite à partir de techniques d’extraction d’information ouverte [1]
    Will Kymlicka et les angles morts du libéralisme - Vers une théorie non-libérale du droit des minorités? [1]
    Winckelmann et ses désirs (presque) secrets : amour entre hommes et idéaux de la masculinité à l’ère néoclassique (1755-1768) [1]
    Winterreise et Die sieben Todsünden : un regard sur l’aliénation du sujet moderne [1]
    Wireless privacy and personalized location-based services: the challenge of translating the legal framework into business practices [1]
    Wirklichkeit und Fiktion : Alfred Döblins „Tatsachenphantasie“ in seinem historischen Roman „November 1918“ [1]
    WISP1 and EMT-associated response and resistance to immune checkpoint blockade [1]