Now showing items 13389-13408 of 24019

    Titles index
    Influence d’un supplément alimentaire sur le développement des colonies d’abeilles domestiques (Apis mellifera, Linnaeus 1758) au Québec [1]
    L’influence d’un traitement à la N-Acétylcystéine sur la motivation à s’auto-administrer de la cocaïne chez le rat [1]
    Influence d’une augmentation du taux de testostérone sur les décisions d’approvisionnement chez les diamants mandarins mâles (Taeniopygia guttata) [1]
    L’influence d’une surface nanoporeuse de titane sur l’activité de cellules ostéoblastiques [1]
    Influence et facteurs incitatifs de la participation des parents dans un programme d’éducation à la nutrition implanté en milieu scolaire : Petits cuistots – Parents en réseaux [1]
    Influence et usage de la mémoire dans la vision officielle française de l’Allemagne réunifiée (1989-1995) [1]
    The influence of bilingualism in school-aged children : an examination of language development in neurotypically developing children and in children with ASD [1]
    The influence of cell size on cytokinesis in situ and genomic interrogation of human cell size regulation [1]
    The influence of cross-cultural training and experience on expatriate adaptation during international assignments [1]
    The influence of environmental contaminants on time to pregnancy [1]
    Influence of ethnicity, perceived power of appropriator’s ethnic group, and SDO on White observers’ perceptions and reactions towards acts of cultural appropriation [1]
    Influence of fetal tissue transplant on the morphology of the neuromuscular junctions of tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius following spinal transection in the rat [1]
    Influence of frequent nightmares on REM sleep-dependent emotional memory processing [1]
    The Influence of ICC Arbitral Decisions on Canadian Law: Comparative Study between Civil Law and Common Law Jurisdictions [1]
    Influence of Perceived Stressful Homework on Lifestyle Habits and Subsequently on Adiposity : a QUALITY Study [1]
    Influence of plant species and richness on pollutant removal in treatment wetlands [1]
    The influence of primary care clinic characteristics on the quality of care for depression in patients with different comorbidity profiles [1]
    The influence of sleep on memory [1]
    The influence of smoking and occupational exposures on DNA methylation in the AHRR and F2RL3 genes. [1]
    The influence of sociocultural factors on attitudes and behaviours toward eating, weight, and body image : a comparative study of heterosexual and gay men [1]