Now showing items 11-20 of 564

  • Non-manipulable house exchangeunder (minimum) equilibrium prices 

    Andersson, Tommy; Ehlers, Lars; Svensson, Lars-Gunnar (Lund University. Department of economics, 2020)
    We consider a market with indivisible objects, called houses, and money. On this market, each house is initially owned (or rented) by some agent and each agent demands precisely one house. The problem is to identify the complete set of direct allocation ...
  • The growth impact of language standardization : Metcalfe’s Law and the industrial revolution 

    Dudley, Léonard; Rauh, Christopher (2020-01-13)
    During the Industrial Revolution, did population growth stimulate innovation, or did causality run primarily from innovation to growth? Previous research fails to explain why between 1700 and 1850: (i) most innovation originated in three clusters of ...
  • Strategy-proof choice under monotonic additive preferences 

    Bahel, Eric; Sprumont, Yves (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-05)
    We describe the class of strategy-proof mechanisms for choosing sets of objects when preferences are additive and monotonic.
  • Two-stage majoritarian choice 

    Horan, Sean; Sprumont, Yves (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-05)
    We propose a class of decisive collective choice rules that rely on an exogenous linear ordering to partition the majority relation into two acyclic relations. The first relation is used to obtain a shortlist of the feasible alternatives while the ...
  • Estimating COVID-19 prevalence in the United States: A sample selection model approach 

    Benatia, David; Godefroy, Raphaël; Lewis, Joshua (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-04)
  • Spouses, children and entrepreneurship 

    Galindo da Fonseca, Joao; Berubé, Charles (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-04)
    We develop a model of endogenous entrepreneurship and marriage. Spouses influence entrepreneurship via three channels: they reduce benefits by working less the more profitable the business is, they reduce costs by working more in case of business ...
  • Blocking pairs versus blocking students: Stability comparisons in school choice 

    Dogan, Battal; Ehlers, Lars (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-04)
    It is known that there are school choice problems without an efficient and stable assignment. We consider comparing assignments in terms of their stability by comparing their sets of blocking (student-school) pairs or comparing their sets of blocking ...
  • Robust minimal instability of the top trading cycles mechanism 

    Doğan, Battal; Ehlers, Lars (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2020-03)
    In the context of priority-based resource allocation, we formulate methods to compare assignments in terms of their stability as binary relations (on the set of possible assignments) that depend on the preference and the priority profile. We introduce ...
  • Imposing equilibrium restrictions in the estimation of dynamic discrete games 

    Aguirregabiria, Victor; Marcoux, Mathieu (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2019-09)
    Imposing equilibrium restrictions provides substantial gains in the estimation of dynamic discrete games. Estimation algorithms imposing these restrictions – MPEC, NFXP, NPL, and variations – have different merits and limitations. MPEC guarantees local ...
  • Measuring uncertainty at the regional level using newspaper text 

    Rauh, Christopher (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2019-08)
    In this paper I present a methodology to provide uncertainty measures at the regional level in real time using the full bandwidth of news. In order to do so I download vast amounts of newspaper articles, summarize these into topics using unsupervised ...