Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • Flippable Pairs and Subset Comparisons in Comparative Probability Orderings and Related Simple Games 

    Christian, Robin; Slinko, Arkadii; CONDER, Marston (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2006-10)
    We show that every additively representable comparative probability order on n atoms is determined by at least n - 1 binary subset comparisons. We show that there are many orders of this kind, not just the lexicographic order. These results provide ...
  • On Complexity of Lobbying in Multiple Referenda 

    Christian, Robin; Slinko, Arkadii; ROSAMOND, Frances; FELLOWS, Mike (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2006-10)
    In this paper we show that lobbying in conditions of “direct democracy” is virtually impossible, even in conditions of complete information about voters preferences, since it would require solving a very computationally hard problem. We use the apparatus ...
  • On the Manipulability of Proportional Representation 

    Slinko, Arkadii; WHITE, Shaun (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2006-07)
    This paper presents a new model of voter behaviour under methods of proportional representation (PR). We abstract away from rounding, and assume that a party securing k percent of the vote wins exactly k percent of the available seats. Under this ...
  • Relative Uncertainty and Additively Representable Set Rankings 

    Bossert, Walter; Slinko, Arkadii (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2004)
    This paper proposes a definition of relative uncertainty aversion for decision models under complete uncertainty. It is shown that, for a large class of decision rules characterized by a set of plausible axioms, the new criterion yields a complete ...
  • Self-Selective Social Choice Functions 

    Slinko, Arkadii; KORAY, Semih (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2006-11)
    It is not uncommon that a society facing a choice problem has also to choose the choice rule itself. In such situation voters’ preferences on alternatives induce preferences over the voting rules. Such a setting immediately gives rise to a natural ...