Now showing items 1-20 of 62

    Titles index
    ACS Omega [1]
    Une addition à la flore du Québec : Monarda punctata var. villicaulis (Lamiaceae) [1]
    Biodiversite microfongique du Fagus grandifolia dans une forêt ancienne : bioindicateurs et structure mycosociologique [1]
    BMC neuroscience [1]
    Canadian field-naturalist [3]
    Chateauguay Valley Historical Society annual journal = Journal annuel de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay [2]
    Chemosphere [3]
    Cooking and co-ingested polyphenols reduce in vitro methylmercury bioaccessibility from fish and may alter exposure in humans [1]
    Differential effects of plant root systems on nickel, copper and silver bioavailability in contaminated soil [1]
    An ecological microsystem to treat waste oil contaminated soil: Using phytoremediation assisted by fungi and local compost, on a mixed-contaminant site, in a cold climate [1]
    Edge effects on vegetation in rights-of-way [1]
    Effects of experimental thermocline and oxycline deepening on methylmercury bioaccumulation in a Canadian Shield lake [1]
    Enhancing chickpea growth via arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation : facilitating nutrient uptake and shifting potential pathogenic fungal communities [1]
    Environmental drivers of rare earth element bioaccumulation in freshwater zooplankton [1]
    Environmental pollution [2]
    Environmental research [1]
    Environmental science and technology [7]
    Exploring dinoflagellate biology with high-throughput proteomics [1]
    Fate and trophic transfer of rare earth elements in temperate lake food webs [1]
    The fish or the egg : maternal transfer and subcellular partitioning of mercury and selenium in Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) [1]