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Browsing Faculté des arts et des sciences – Département de littératures et de langues du monde - Travaux et publications by Affiliation "Université de Montréal. Faculté des arts et des sciences. Département des littératures de langue française"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Alejandro Jodorowsky : interview by Michael Nardone
(Hobo Media, 2014) -
Citation rhetoric examined
(King’s College. Office for Humanities Communication; Centre for Computing in the Humanities., 2010)In his influential monograph «The Rhetoric of Citation Systems», Connors (1999) elaborates on the principle that scholars working with different forms of citation find themselves thinking differently, since the citation format has natural consequences ... -
Drilling for Papers in INKE
(2012-03-26)In this article, we discuss the first year research plan for the INKE interface design team, which focuses on a prototype for chaining. Interpretable as a subclass of Unsworths scholarly primitive of discovering, chaining is the process of beginning ... -
Exploring gothic sexuality
(2001)In his well-known analysis of the evolution of sexuality in society in "Making sexual history", Jeffrey Weeks comments that, following a series of major challenges throughout the twentieth century (ranging from Freud's work to the challenges of feminism ... -
From Dante to the Romantics : The Reception History of Leigh Hunt's "The Story of Rimini"
(2001)1816 was arguably the most significant year in Leigh Hunt's career as a Romantic poet. After a two-year imprisonment, he had spent much of 1815 going back to the theatre and seeing Edmund Kean, the actor whom Hazlitt had praised so highly in the pages ... -
Gender, Authorship and Male Domination : Mary Shelley’s Limited Freedom in "Frankenstein" and "The Last Man"
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2000)Ever since Ellen Moer's "Literary Women" (1976), "Frankenstein" has been recognized as a novel in which issues about authorship are intimately bound up with those of gender. The work has frequently been related to the circumstance of Shelley's combining ... -
Histoire des humanités numériques
(Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2014)Parallèlement à l’histoire du développement d’Internet et du web, une autre histoire est fondamentale pour comprendre les enjeux de l’édition numérique : celle des humanités numériques. Il y a encore quelques décennies, on pouvait penser que les ... -
Introducing "Critical Essays": Leigh Hunt and theatrical criticism in the early nineteenth century
(2001)The years 1801 to 1808 saw the emergence of Leigh Hunt as a public figure on the London literary scene, first with the publication of his collection of poetry, "Juvenilia", and then with his work as theater critic for "The News" between 1805 and 1807. [...] -
(Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2014)Ce que nous sommes, en tant qu’êtres humains et en tant que sociétés, est profondément façonné par les formes de production et de circulation du savoir : comprendre ces formes, être capable de les analyser et d’en repérer les enjeux, n’est pas qu’une ... -
Introduction : deviance and defiance
(2006)The thirteenth annual meeting of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism took place August 13–16, 2005 in Montreal, Canada, sponsored by Université de Montréal. The conference was held in conjunction with the seventh biennial meeting ... -
John Giorno : interview by Michael Nardone
(Hobo Media, 2012) -
Lire à l’ère du numérique « Le nénuphar et l’araignée » de Claire Legendre
(Association Sens public, 2016-12-22)Cet article se veut exploratoire en deux temps : une piste de réflexion sur l’impact du numérique sur les sciences humaines, et une lecture de l’essai « Le nénuphar et l’araignée » de Claire Legendre, publié le 4 février 2015 chez Les Allusifs. Notre ... -
Listen! Listen! LIsten! : Jackson Mac low's phonopoetics
(Concordia University. Department of English, 2015-03) -
Listening in detail : performances of Cuban music
(Cambridge University Press, 2015) -
On settler conceptualism
(Kelly Writers House, 2016) -
On watching rather than reading Count Basil
(European Romantic Review, 2004)The performance of « Count Basil » at this year's NASSR conference was a unique opportunity for those in attendance to share a theatrical experience with the actors in ways that are usually not available to readers and scholars of Romantic drama. In ...