Now showing items 21-36 of 36

  • Performing Leigh Hunt’s 1840 Play "A Legend of Florence" 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009)
    Leigh Hunt's authorship of "A legend of Florence" (1840) — a drama inspired by the rich cultural, intellectual, and political climate of Italy — reflects, as Michael Eberle-Sinatra demonstrates in the final essay of the first section, not only a literary ...
  • Poetics, in every air 

    Nardone, Michael (University of British Columbia, 2016)
    A review of Toward. Some. Air: Remarks on Poetics of Mad Affect, Militancy, Feminism, Demotic Rhythms, Emptying, Intervention, Reluctance, Indigeneity, Immediacy, Lyric Conceptualism, Commons, Pastoral Margins, Desire, Ambivalence, Disability, The ...
  • Pratiques de l'édition numérique 

    Vitali-Rosati, Marcello; Eberle Sinatra, Michael (Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2014)
    L’apparition du numérique a entraîné ces dernières années une transformation profonde des modèles de production et de circulation des livres, qui ont peu changé depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Le web, en particulier, a provoqué une remise en question du sens ...
  • Promoting Open Access and Innovations : From Synergies to Le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (2015)
    This article discusses the relationship between digital humanities and disciplinary boundaries in the last decade, primarily in the context of the national project Synergies. It offers first an overview of Synergies as a concrete example of the way ...
  • Putting plays (and more) in cyberspace : an overview of the British women playwrights around 1800 project 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael; Crochunis, Thomas (2003)
    The british women playwrights around 1800 Web project has had a split allegiance from its beginning. Its beginnings lay in our interest in sustaining over time a community that had begun exploring the histories and writing of women in late-eighteenth ...
  • Rafael Lozano-Hemmer : Musée d’art contemporain, Montreal, Canada 

    Nardone, Michael (Durian Publications, 2018-10)
  • Readings of homosexuality in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" and four film adaptations 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (2005)
    This essay proposes to read one more time the issue of homosexuality in Mary Shelley's first novel, "Frankenstein". In order to offer a new angle on the homosexual component of Victor Frankenstein's relationship with his creature when next teaching ...
  • Repenser le numérique au 21ème siècle 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael; Sinclair, Stéfan (Association Sens public, 2015-02-23)
    Le constat duquel part notre idée de colloque est très simple : tout le monde s’accorde à dire que la réflexion sur le numérique est une priorité, mais l’on est encore loin d’avoir une définition précise des méthodes pour développer cette dernière, des ...
  • Representing Leigh Hunt’s Autobiography 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
    That study attempted to elaborate the problematic of [Leigh Hunt's] position within the London literary and political scene between the years 1805 and1828, the contributions he made to British literature and journalism, and his public standing at the ...
  • Science, gender and otherness in Shelley's Frankenstein and Kenneth Branagh's film adaptation 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (1998-03)
    Questions of gender and genre in Frankenstein remain complex issues for contemporary critics, in the novel itself as well as in its cinematographic adaptations, from John Whale's classic 1931 version to Kenneth Branagh's 1994 "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." ...
  • Shelley’s editing process in the preface to Epipsychidion 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (1997)
    Prefaces are often disregarded by readers who, more often than not, start without taking time to peruse them first. Sir Walter Scott knew this perfectly well, and he wrote about it, very wittily, in "A PostScript Which Should Have Been a Preface", the ...
  • Skirmish at the Oasis: on sonic disobedience 

    Nardone, Michael (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2016)
    In this article the author theorizes how the idea of a sonic avant-garde resounds today. Focused on technics of noise and site specificity, the author describes the sounds and sites of the Idle No More round dance interventions of the winter of ...
  • Totally Clueless : Heckerling and Queer Sexuality in Austen’s « Emma » 

    Eberle Sinatra, Michael (Cambria Press, 2011)
    This chapter offers a new reading of the sexual politics that are at play in Jane Austen's 1816 "Emma" through the exploration of film director Amy Heckerling's retelling of Austen's original story. Heckerling's 1995 film, "Clueless", can be understood ...
  • We are the amp : a poetics of the human microphone 

    Nardone, Michael (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015)
  • We have never done it that way before : an interview with Kathleen Fitzpatrick 

    Nardone, Michael; Fitzpatrick, Kathleen (Concordia University. Department of English, 2013-02)
    We are entrenched in systems that no longer serve our needs,” Kathleen Fitzpatrick writes in Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy (New York University Press, 2011). In her study, Fitzpatrick scrutinizes specific ...