Now showing items 224-243 of 346

  • National differences in dissemination and use of open access literature 

    Simard, Marc-André; Ghiasi, Gita; Mongeon, Philippe; Larivière, Vincent (Public Library of Science, 2022-08-09)
    Open Access (OA) dissemination has been gaining a lot of momentum over the last decade, thanks to the implementation of several OA policies by funders and institutions, as well as the development of several new platforms that facilitate the publication ...
  • Notes sur les archives de communautés et les valeurs émergentes : le cas du projet Saint-Roch, une histoire populaire 

    Gagnon, Simon-Olivier (2019-04-25)
    Ce travail de recherche présente quelques exemples d’exploitation des archives dans le projet « Saint-Roch, une histoire populaire ». Le caractère pédagogique de ce projet ainsi que les différents dispositifs de recontextualisation (promenade de Jane, ...
  • La notion de genre(s) : un outil transférable pour l'évaluation des documents numériques 

    Michel, Karin (2009-08-15)
    Dans le contexte du numérique, un document ne se trouve plus être un objet fixe et stable. Les informations échangées via les technologies de l’information, avec l’usage de plus en plus répandu des outils collaboratifs et des réseaux sociaux, tendent ...
  • La notion d’évaluation et ses applications dans les différentes disciplines des sciences de l’information 

    Klein, Anne (2010)
    Ce travail portant sur la possibilité d'intégrer la gestion des connaissances et la gestion documentaire d'un organisme fédéral a été l'occasion de réfléchir aux différentes approches en matière d'évaluation dans le domaine des sciences de l'information. ...
  • The oligopoly of academic publishers in the digital era 

    Larivière, Vincent; Haustein, Stefanie; Mongeon, Philippe (Public Library of Science, 2015-06-10)
    The consolidation of the scientific publishing industry has been the topic of much debate within and outside the scientific community, especially in relation to major publishers’ high profit margins. However, the share of scientific output published ...
  • The oligopoly’s shift to open access : how the big five academic publishers profit from article processing charges 

    Butler, Leigh-Ann; Matthias, Lisa; Simard, Marc-André; Mongeon, Philippe; Haustein, Stefanie (MIT Press, 2023-08-03)
    This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in journals controlled by the five large commercial publishers Elsevier, Sage, Springer-Nature, Taylor & Francis and Wiley between 2015 ...
  • On the citation lifecycle of papers with delayed recognition 

    Lachance, Christian; Larivière, Vincent (Elsevier, 2014-09-18)
    Delayed recognition is a concept applied to articles that receive very few to no citations for a certain period of time following publication, before becoming actively cited. To determine whether such a time spent in relative obscurity had an effect ...
  • On the compliance of women engineers with a gendered scientific system 

    Ghiasi, Gita; Larivière, Vincent; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (Public library of science, 2015-12-30)
    There has been considerable effort in the last decade to increase the participation of women in engineering through various policies. However, there has been little empirical research on gender disparities in engineering which help underpin the ...
  • On the composition of scientific abstracts 

    Atanassova, Iana; Bertin, Marc; Larivière, Vincent (Emerald, 2016-07-11)
    Purpose Scientific abstracts reproduce only part of the information and the complexity of argumentation in a scientific article. The purpose of this paper provides a first analysis of the similarity between the text of scientific abstracts and the ...
  • On the effects of the reunification on German researchers’ publication patterns 

    Archambault, Antoine; Mongeon, Philippe; Larivière, Vincent (Springer, 2017-01-28)
    After developing independently following World War II, the research systems of East and West Germany reunited at the end of the Cold War, resulting in Westernization of East German Research institutions. Using data from the Web of Science over the ...
  • On the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications in different scientific fields (1980‐2007) 

    Larivière, Vincent; Gingras, Yves (Emerald, 2010-03-09)
    The issue of duplicate publications has received a lot of attention in the medical literature, but much less in the information science community. This paper aims at analyzing the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications across all ...
  • On the relationship between interdisciplinarity and scientific impact 

    Larivière, Vincent; Gingras, Yves (Association for information science and technology, 2009-12-09)
    This article analyzes the effect of interdisciplinarity on the scientific impact of individual articles. Using all the articles published in Web of Science in 2000, we define the degree of interdisciplinarity of a given article as the percentage of its ...
  • On the shoulders of students? The contribution of PhD students to the advancement of knowledge 

    Larivière, Vincent (Springer, 2011-09-06)
    Using the participation in peer reviewed publications of all doctoral students in Quebec over the 2000–2007 period, this paper provides the first large scale analysis of their research effort. It shows that PhD students contribute to about a third of ...
  • On the topicality and research impact of special issues 

    Sainte-Marie, Maxime; Mongeon, Philippe; Larivière, Vincent (MIT Press, 2019)
    The publication of special issues constitute an important yet underinvestigated phenomenon of scholarly communication. In an attempt to draw attention to the proliferation of special issues, Priem (2006) suggested that their commissioning has an ...
  • Opening science : the rebirth of a scholarly journal 

    Waltman, Ludo; Larivière, Vincent; Milojević, Staša; Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (MIT Press, 2020)
  • Le papier voyageur : provenance, circulation et utilisation en Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle 

    Gendron, Céline (2018-03-21)
    Sous l’Ancien Régime, l’administration coloniale, l’Église et le commerce ont produit une masse considérable de documents de toutes sortes : la Nouvelle-France n’a pas fait exception. Il n’y a qu’à prendre connaissance de l’abondance des actes de tous ...
  • Les paradigmes de la revue Criminologie : auteurs, revues et disciplines qui ont marqué son histoire 

    Paradigms from Criminologie: Authors, journals, and disciplines that shaped its history = Los paradigmas de la revista Criminologie: Autores, revistas y disciplinas que marcaron su historia
    Leclerc, Chloé; Ream, Fyscillia; Décary-Hétu, David; Macaluso, Benoit; Larivière, Vincent (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2018)
    Cet article vise à décrire les influences intellectuelles de la revue Criminologie. Pour ce faire, les 19 813 références faites par les articles publiés dans la revue Criminologie au cours des 40 dernières années sont analysées de manière à ...
  • La part d'émotion 

    Lessard, Denis (2010)
    L'auteur témoigne de la manière dont un spectateur peut être touché émotionnellement lors de la lecture de six photographies d’archives déposées par les institutions publiques sur le site Internet de partage Flickr.
  • Le patrimoine numérique, le Web et la mort 

    Touchette, Jacynthe (2012-04-21)
    Étude de la littérature accessible à l'Université de Montréal sur le thème du patrimoine numérique et des archives numériques personnelles dans la perspective de la mort. Gestion documentaire, inventaire et testament numérique. Aspect des proches, de ...
  • PhD students’ excellence scholarships and their relationship with research productivity, scientific impact, and degree completion 

    Larivière, Vincent (Canadian society for the study of higher education, 2013-08-31)
    This paper examines the relationship between excellence scholarships and research productivity, scientific impact, and degree completion. Drawing on the entire population of doctoral students in the province of Québec, this paper analyzes three ...