Now showing items 1-8 of 8

  • The Alberta Dilemma: Optimal Sharing of a Water Resource by an Agricultural and an Oil Sector 

    Gaudet, Gérard; Moreaux, Michel; Withagen, Cees (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2005)
    The purpose of this paper is to characterize the optimal time paths of production and water usage by an agricultural and an oil sector that have to share a limited water resource. We show that for any given water stock, if the oil stock is sufficiently ...
  • Capacity Commitment Versus Flexibility: The Technological Choice Nexus in a Strategic Context 

    Boyer, Marcel; Moreaux, Michel (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1995-10)
  • Entry Blockading Locations 

    Boyer, Marcel; Mahenc, Philippe; Moreaux, Michel (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1995-10)
  • Intertemporal and Spatial Depletion of Landfills 

    Gaudet, Gérard; Moreaux, Michel; Salant, Stephen W. (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1997)
    This paper generalizes Hotelling's (1931) theory of nonrenewable resources to situations where resource pools and their users are distributed spacially. Extraction and transport costs are assumed to be linear in the rate of extraction, but utilization ...
  • On Stackelberg Equilibria with Differentiated Products: the Critical Role of the Strategy Space 

    Boyer, Marcel; Moreaux, Michel (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1985)
    Nous Considerons Dans Cet Article un Modele de Duopole Avec Produits Differencies; Nous Montrons Que le Caractere Substituts Vs Complements de Ces Produits Est un Facteur Important Dans la Determination du Mode de Concurrence Strategique (Cournot-Bertrand, ...
  • On the Optimal Order of Natural Resource Use When the Capacity of the Inexhaustible Substitute is Limited 

    Amigues, J-P; Favard, P.; Gaudet, Gérard; Moreaux, Michel (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1996)
    Consider a general equilibrium framework where the marginal cost of extraction from several deposits of an exhaustible resource is constant in terms of an inexhaustible perfect substitute and differs between deposits. the instantaneous rate of production ...
  • Private Storage of Common Property 

    Gaudet, Gérard; Moreaux, Michel; Salant, Stephen W. (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1997)
    This paper examines a characteristic of common property problems unmodeled in the published literature: Extracted common reserves are aften stored privately rather than immediately. We examine the positive and normative effects of such storage.
  • Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information 

    Boyer, Marcel; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; Mahenc, Philippe; Moreaux, Michel (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1994)