Now showing items 9841-9860 of 19661

    Titles index
    Impact d’une sieste sur plasticité cérébrale induite par stimulation magnétique transcrânienne [1]
    Impact et déterminants des investissements directs étrangers manufacturiers: cas de treize pays d'Afrique [1]
    L’impact et les implications sur l’équité intergénérationnelle des modifications apportées au Régime des rentes du Québec entre 1997 et 2018 [1]
    Impact et résonances du théâtre In-yer-face au Québec : Shopping and Fucking de Mark Ravenhill (adaptation de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants d’Éric Noël et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas de Steve Gagnon [1]
    The impact factor’s Matthew Effect : a natural experiment in bibliometrics [1]
    Impact longitudinal du soutien du superviseur sur l’adaptation émotionnelle des intervenants en protection de la jeunesse exposés à une agression commise par un usager [1]
    The impact of a Canadian financial cybercrime prevention campaign on clients’ sense of security [1]
    Impact of a social skills program on children’s stress : a cluster randomized trial [1]
    The Impact of a Substance Abuse Treatment for Offenders in Relation to the Time Spent in Treatment [1]
    The Impact of Decentralization on Growth and Democracy: a Note [1]
    Impact of early environment on children's mental health : lessons from DNA methylation studies with monozygotic twins [1]
    The impact of early life seizures on cognitive development [1]
    The impact of Housing First on criminal justice outcomes among homeless people with mental illness : a systematic review. [1]
    Impact of income source on behavioral and academic adjustment of children from persistently poor families [1]
    The Impact of International Trade and Domestic Savings on Convergence in China [1]
    Impact of male partner responses on sexual function in women with vulvodynia and their partners: a dyadic daily experience study [1]
    Impact of Maltreatment on Depressive Symptoms in Emerging Male Adults : the Mediating and Moderating Role of Coping Strategies and Cortisol Stress Response [1]
    The impact of mobility and climate on the cross-sectional geometry of long bones : comparing preindustrial Euro-Canadians and Inuit to other archaeological populations [1]
    Impact of Openness to Trade on Capital Formation in Developed and Emerging Markets: a Comparative Study [1]
    The impact of poor sleep on cognition and activities of daily living after traumatic brain injury : a review [1]