Voici les éléments 11679-11698 de 20069

    Index des titres
    The linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying language tests in healthy adults : a principal component analysis [1]
    Linguistic imperialism : a study of language and yoruba rituals in Wole Soyinka’s Death and the king’s horseman [1]
    The linguistic patterns and rhetorical structure of citation context : an approach using n-grams [1]
    Linguistic processes for content condensation in abstracting scientific texts [1]
    Link between stressor exposure and high school dropout: the moderating role of support from parents, peers, teachers and mental health professionals [1]
    Linking dissolved organic matter quality and quantity to CO2 and CH4 concentrations in ombrotrophic bog pools [1]
    Linking the chemical speciation of cerium to its bioavailability in water for a freshwater alga [1]
    Links between developmental changes in kindergarten behaviors and later peer associations [1]
    Links between friends' physical aggression and adolescents' physical aggression : what happens if gene-environment correlations are controlled? [1]
    Links between the mother-adolescent and father-adolescent relationships and adolescent depression : a genetically informed study [1]
    Linnik's theorem : a comparison of the classical and the pretentious approach [1]
    Lion [1]
    Lionel Groulx : un traditionaliste à la rencontre de l'Europe 1921-1922 [1]
    Lionel Groulx et la Franco-Américanie [1]
    Lionel Groulx, critique de la Révolution tranquille (1956-1967) [1]
    Liquides ioniques électroactifs dans la composition d’électrolytes avancés pour des applications en énergie [1]
    Liquidity traps, capital flows [1]
    Lire à l’ère du numérique « Le nénuphar et l’araignée » de Claire Legendre [1]
    Lire et donner à lire les littératures francophones : outils critiques et stratégies éditoriales [1]
    Lire et jouer en Allemagne nazie : la culture jeunesse en tant que véhicule de propagande sous le Troisième Reich [1]