Now showing items 11460-11479 of 20069

    Titles index
    Law enforcement and disruption of offline and online activities : a review of comptemporary challenges [1]
    A layered JavaScript virtual machine supporting dynamic instrumentation [1]
    La théâtralité de la prose narrative dans les"Chroniques du Plateau Mont‐Royal" de Michel Tremblay  [1]
    Leader politique, prise de décision et maladie mentale : une étude exploratoire [1]
    Leaders and leadership in criminal activities : a scoping review [1]
    Le leadership authentique : validation d’une mesure et étude de ses effets sur le climat de travail et le bien-être des personnes [1]
    Le leadership de Néhémie comme paradigme pour la reconstruction en République démocratique du Congo : analyse sociale et herméneutique chrétienne de Néhémie 2-5 [1]
    Leadership d’habilitation et performance : étude dans le secteur de la fabrication métallique industrielle [1]
    Le leadership en tant que relation leader-employé dans une adhocratie [1]
    Leadership ethics and the problem of Dirty Hands in the political economy of contemporary Africa [1]
    Le leadership interstitiel, le champ d'action des Amérindiens ou le pouvoir dans la marge : l'exemple de la communauté algonquine de Kitigan Zibi (Québec) [1]
    Learned interpreters : structural and learned systematicity in neural networks for program execution [1]
    Learning a graph made of boolean function nodes : a new approach in machine learning [1]
    Learning and Adjustment Outcomes in Socialized and Unsocialized Newcomers : An Ex- Post-Facto Comparative Study [1]
    Learning and planning with noise in optimization and reinforcement learning [1]
    Learning and time : on using memory and curricula for language understanding [1]
    Learning and vulnerability to phonological and semantic interference in normal aging : an experimental study [1]
    Learning competitive ensemble of information-constrained primitives [1]
    Learning discrete word embeddings to achieve better interpretability and processing efficiency [1]
    Learning from the debate on externalities [1]