Now showing items 11340-11359 of 20069

    Titles index
    Kateb Yacine, ou, le monde théâtralisé [1]
    Le kawaii : répercussion d’un idéal culturel et médiatique sur l’identité féminine japonaise [1]
    Keats-Shelley journal [2]
    Kennedy Institute of ethics journal [1]
    Kevin Mitnick : contre-iconographie d'un superhacker [1]
    Key agreement against quantum adversaries [1]
    Keypoint-driven line drawing vectorization via polyvector flow [1]
    Kierkegaard and Bloch on Hope [1]
    Kindergarten characteristics and risk-taking behaviors in middle childhood = Caractéristiques à la maternelle et comportements de prise de risques en 6e année [1]
    Kindergarten classroom engagement skills : the road to academic success in elementary school [1]
    The kiss of death? : the effect of being cited in a reviewon subsequent citations [1]
    Klesis : revue philosophique [1]
    Klesis: revue philosophique [1]
    Knowledge of self : identidy negociation and invisible man [1]
    Knowledge sharing in global health research : the impact, uptake and cost of open access to scholarly literature [1]
    Knowledge transfer intervention theory : a model grounded in the strategies used by intermediate agents in the context of education [1]
    La «koinônia» des Actes des apôtres : analyse structurelle du verset 2,42 et de son contexte d’insertion [1]
    Koom la viim : enjeux socio-sanitaires de la quête de l'eau à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) [1]
    Kracauer et le feuilleton comme forme sociologique : avertissement [1]
    The KRESCENT Program (2005-2015) : an evaluation of the state of Kidney Research Training in Canada [1]