Results Per Page:

Now showing items 101-200 of 185

Boîtiers (1)
Boîtiers orthodontiques (2)
Boîtiers préencollés (1)
Brackets (2)
Breastfeeding problem (1)
Brossage du palais (1)
Bruxisme (1)
Bruxisme relié au sommeil (1)
Bucco-dentaire (1)
Burnout (1)
Béance postérieure (1)
CBCT (2)
COHIP-19 (1)
COHIP-SF 19 (1)
COVID-19 (1)
Calcium (1)
Calcium channel blockers (1)
Canada (1)
Cancer colorectal (2)
Candida (3)
Candida albicans (2)
Canine incluse (1)
Canine retraction (1)
Cardiopathies (1)
Carie (1)
Carie de la petite enfance (1)
Carie dentaire (2)
Caries (3)
Caries management (1)
Cariology (1)
CarriereLX (1)
Carrière® Motion 3D™ Appliance (1)
Cas-témoins (1)
Case-control (1)
Cbct (1)
Cell differentiation (1)
Center of Force (1)
Central pattern generation (1)
Centre de forces (1)
Cephalometric analysis (3)
Cephalometric landmarks (1)
Cephalometric point Or (1)
Ceramic (1)
Changements dento-alvéolaires (1)
Child (1)
Children (2)
Chirurgie (1)
Chirurgie orthognatique (2)
Chronic periodontitis (1)
Cicatrisation (1)
Cicatrisation parodontale (1)
Classe II (1)
Cleaning (1)
Clear aligners (1)
Cleft lip and palate (1)
Clenching (1)
ClinCheck® (1)
Clinical evaluation (1)
Clinical research/Clinical trials (1)
Clinical trial (3)
Clinique spécialisée (1)
Collage direct (1)
Collage indirect (2)
Coloration (1)
Colorectal cancer (3)
Colorimetry (1)
Colorimétrie (1)
Community dentistry (1)
Commutation phénotypique (1)
Complete denture (4)
Complete dentures (2)
Compliance (1)
Complicated crown fractures (1)
Cone beam computerized tomogrAPhy (CBCT) (1)
Cone-beam computed tomography (2)
Congenital abnormalities (1)
Congenital heart disease (1)
Cooperation (1)
Coopération (2)
Coquille d'alignement (1)
Corrosion galvanique (1)
Corticotomies sans lambeau (1)
Cosmetic (1)
Covariate shift (1)
Craniofacial biology (1)
Craniofacial development (1)
Craniofacial structures (1)
Crestal bone (1)
Criteria (1)
Critère (1)
Crohn's disease (1)
Cultural adaptation (1)
Curriculum (1)
Cutaneous wound healing (1)
Cémentome (1)
Céphalée de tension (1)
Céramique (1)
DNA-DNA Checkerboard Hybridization (1)
DNQX (1)
Damon (1)