Now showing items 121-140 of 221

    Titles index
    Head and neck pathology [1]
    Histoire naturelle de l'apnée : suivi 5 ans après [1]
    Identification des mécanismes périphériques impliqués dans la douleur chronique expérimentale des muscles de la mastication [1]
    L’impact d’une formation sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la carie dentaire, chez des étudiants de première année au DMD [1]
    The impact of nocturnal wear of the prosthesis on the oral health-related quality of life of an apneic edentulous population [1]
    The impact of stroke public awareness campaigns differs between sociodemographic groups [1]
    Improving practice guidelines for the treatment of denture-related erythematous stomatitis: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial [1]
    Indirect Bonding Method: in vitro Comparison of the Shear Bond Strength between Metallic Orthodontic Brackets and Different Porcelain Surface Preparations [1]
    Influence du groupe pronostique et du protocole de traitement sur le développement d’anomalies dentaires des enfants traités pour la leucémie aigüe lymphoblastique [1]
    Influence d’un rince-bouche fluoré sur la corrosion galvanique entre un fil NiTi ou un fil CuNiTi et différents boîtiers orthodontiques : incidence sur les propriétés mécaniques des fils [1]
    Influence of experience and training on dental students’ examination performance regarding panoramic images [1]
    Integration of oral health into primary care : a scoping review protocol [1]
    Integration of oral health into primary health care organization in cree communities: a workshop summary [1]
    Intraosseous Schwannoma of the Jaws: An Updated Review of the Literature and Report of 2 New Cases Affecting the Mandible [1]
    Ion homeostasis in rhythmogenesis : the interplay between neurons and astroglia [1]
    Journal of Canadian dental association [2]
    Journal of dental education [2]
    Journal of dentistry [1]
    Journal of experimental zoology part B : molecular and developmental evolution [1]
    Journal of neuroscience [1]