Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Euthanasia and management of downer cows on farm : online survey 

    DesCôteaux, Luc; Rousseau, Marjolaine; Denicourt, Martine; Lamothe, Anne-Marie; Villettaz Robichaud, Marianne; Hamilton, Alex; Christen, Anne-Marie; Denis-Robichaud, José (2019-03)
    The goal of this survey is to make an inventory of the practices usedon farm to euthanize and manage downers and identify challenges producers face. Our aim is to assemble an overall and representative picture of current practices in order to better ...
  • Euthanasie et gestion des bovins non-ambulatoires : sondage électronique 

    DesCôteaux, Luc; Rousseau, Marjolaine; Denicourt, Martine; Lamothe, Anne-Marie; Villettaz Robichaud, Marianne; Hamilton, Alex; Christen, Anne-Marie; Denis-Robichaud, José (2019-03)
    Ce sondage a comme objectif de répertorier les pratiques utilisées pour l’euthanasie et la gestion des bovins laitiers non-ambulatoires à la ferme ainsi que les défis rencontrés par les producteurs. Nous voulons dresser un portrait global et représentatif ...
  • Whole genome sequencing of a Canadian Bovine gammaherpesvirus 4 strain and possible link between the viral infection and respiratory and reproductive clinical manifestations in dairy cattle 

    Gagnon, Carl A.; Kist Traesel, Carolina; Music, Nedzad; Laroche, Jérôme; Tison, Nicolas; Auger, Jean-Philippe; Music, Sanela; Provost, Chantale; Bellehumeur, Christian; Abrahamyan, Levon; Carman, Susy; DesCôteaux, Luc; Charette, Steve J. (2017-06-16)
    Bovine gammaherpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) is a herpesvirus widespread in cattle populations, and with no clear disease association. Its genome contains a long unique coding region (LUR) flanked by polyrepetitive DNA and 79 open reading frames (ORFs), with ...