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Now showing items 1-80 of 3121

hTR (1)
habiletés sociales (1)
habiletés émotionnelles (1)
habitants (1)
habitat quality indices (1)
habitat quality model (1)
habituation (1)
haemorrhagic shock (1)
hagiographie (1)
hagiography (1)
half-sibling (1)
hand hygiene (1)
handicap (1)
handicaps (1)
haptic (1)
haptique (1)
harassment in the workplace (1)
harcèlement en milieu de travail (1)
hard problem of consciousness (1)
hardcore (1)
hardware hacking (1)
harem (1)
harm reduction (1)
head computed tomography (1)
head impact exposure (1)
healing (3)
health (1)
health disparities (2)
health economics (1)
health equity (1)
health information technology (1)
health policy (1)
health preference (1)
health promotion (1)
health spending (1)
health technology assessment (1)
health-related quality of life (1)
healthcare associated infections (1)
healthcare disparities (1)
healthcare organization (1)
healthcare services (1)
healthcare use (1)
healthcare workers (2)
healthism (1)
healthism (concept of) (1)
healthy aging (1)
healthy eating (1)
heart disease (1)
heart failure (4)
heart rate variability (4)
heavy-tailed distributions (1)
heel lancing (1)
help-seeking (1)
hemodynamic monitoring (1)
hemodynamic status (1)
hemp cultivation (1)
hepatic encephalopathy (1)
hepatic vein (1)
hepatocarcinogenesis (1)
hepatotoxicity (1)
heritage language (1)
hermeneutics (3)
herméneutique (2)
herpes simplex virus (HSV) (1)
herpèsvirus humain type 6 (HHV-6) (1)
herpèsvirus humains (HHV) (1)
heterotopia (2)
heures supplémentaires (1)
heures supplémentaires obligatoires (1)
heuristics (1)
heuristique (1)
hépatocarcinogenèse (1)
hgcA (1)
high dimensionality (1)
high energy jets (1)
high energy leptons (1)
high intensity correctional programs (1)
high school (1)
high school dropout (2)
high transverse momentum topologies (1)