Results Per Page:

Now showing items 1-80 of 45

5’-3’ communication (1)
ARN TLC1 (1)
ARN polymérase II (1)
ATAC-seq (1)
ATP7A (1)
Acan (1)
Acute myeloid leukemia (1)
Acétylation (1)
Affinity chromatography (1)
Alterations dans la biogenèse des ribosomes (1)
Altération dans la transformation cellulaire (1)
Alzheimer’s disease (1)
Amlexanox (1)
Ankle2 (1)
Antibiotic (1)
Antibiotique (1)
Anticancer (1)
Antiestrogens (1)
Antigène nucléaire cellulaire proliférant (PCNA) (1)
Antiœstrogènes (1)
Anxiety (1)
Aortic transplantation (1)
Apoptose (1)
Apoptosis (3)
Apoptotic Exosome-like vesicles (ApoExo) (1)
Arabidopsis thaliana (1)
Armc5 (Armadillo repeat containing 5) (1)
Assemblage de la chromatine (1)
Autoimmune disease (1)
Autophagie (2)
Autophagy (2)
Axe HPG (1)
BBS (1)
BDC2.5 (1)
BMI1 (2)
BRET2 (1)
BX795 (1)
Bafilomycin (1)
Bafilomycine (1)
Binder of sperm protein (1)
Biological rhythms (1)
Biologie synthétique (1)
Biology - Molecular / Biologie - Biologie moléculaire (UMI : 0307) (45)
Bivalvia (1)
Bone (1)
Brain plasticity (1)
Breast cancer (1)
C. elegans development (1)
C/ebpε (1)
C16orf72 (1)
CAID syndrome (1)
CASC4 (1)
CBL (1)
CD36 (1)
CDK1 (1)
CK2 (1)
CKII (1)
CLPP (1)
CRISPR-Cas9 (1)
Cajal Body (1)
Cancer (1)
Cancer de la prostate (1)
Cancer du sein (1)
Cancers colorectaux (1)
Cardiac glycosides (1)
Cascade de signalisation (1)
Cell cycle (1)
Cell cycle regulation (1)
Cell death (1)
Cell migration (2)
Cell proliferation (1)
Cellular senescence (1)
Cellule endothéliale (1)
Cellules interstitielles de Cajal (1)
Cellules souches (1)
ChIP-seq (1)
Chromatin (2)
Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF-1) (1)
Chromatin assembly (1)
Chromatin remodeling complexes (1)