Now showing items 20967-20986 of 24206

    Titles index
    The role of astrocytes in the effects of early-life stress on lateral amygdala-dependent behaviour [1]
    The Role of Cardiotrophin-Like Cytokine Factor 1 on the Development of Atherosclerosis [1]
    The role of Caulobacter crescentus XerC and XerD recombinases in site-specific recombination [1]
    The Role of CBL Family Proteins in Dendritic Cell Development, Homeostasis, and Functional Quiescence [1]
    Role of CD2 and its ligands in T cell activation [1]
    Role of CD4+ T cells in the regulation of the immune response against encapsulated Group B Streptococcus [1]
    The role of COCO in ocular angiogenesis [1]
    The role of continual learning and adaptive computation in improving computational efficiency of deep learning [1]
    The role of coping style in the relationship between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in young adults [1]
    Role of corticospinal influences in post-stroke spasticity [1]
    The role of critical thinking in the knowledge building process of a networked community of nurses [1]
    The role of DcR3 in systemic lupus erythematosus and islet β-Cell viability and function [1]
    The role of doubt in bulimia nervosa [1]
    The role of dysfunctional reasoning processes in relation to feared self-perceptions, obsessive-compulsive symptomatology and its treatment [1]
    Role of E3-ligase parkin in mitochondrial quality control in a cardiotoxicity model to anthracyclines [1]
    Role of EFNBs and EphB4 in T cell development and function [1]
    The role of EphB6 and ephrinbs in blood pressure regulation [1]
    The role of European Union integration in post-communist democratization in Bulgaria and Macedonia [1]
    The role of evolution in the genetic susceptibility of intracranial aneurysm [1]
    The role of exemplar memory in rule-driven categorization [1]