Now showing items 11446-11465 of 24028

    Titles index
    From cognition to action : a psychological investigation of action regulation in complex and uncertain social systems [1]
    From coordination complexes to coordination polymers [1]
    From Eco-Design to sustainable design : a contribution of the precautionary principle [1]
    From electron reconstruction and identification to the search for supersymmetry at the atlas experiment [1]
    From examples to knowledge in model-driven engineering : a holistic and pragmatic approach [1]
    From ideas to policymaking : the political economy of the diffusion of performance-based financing at the global, continental, and national levels [1]
    From locomotion to dance and back : exploring rhythmic sensorimotor synchronization [1]
    From Reasonable Accommodation to Understanding: Reconsidering Diversity Management Practices in Quebec [1]
    From Shakespeare's globe to our globe [1]
    From specialists to generalists : inductive biases of deep learning for higher level cognition [1]
    «From Stardust to Stones to Bad Seed» : vers une déconstruction du rock doc : le corps de la rock star au cœur de l'œuvre audiovisuelle hybride [1]
    From the pioneer to the last landscape : disappearing open landscapes in Israel [1]
    From Word Embeddings to Large Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation [1]
    Le front social de la communication : Adbusters et la contestation de l'économie politique de la communication canadienne [1]
    Frontal-limbic brain processes in healthy individuals : environmental, epigenetic and behavioral correlates [1]
    La frontière et les ombres : les clandestins afghans de Peshawar, Pakistan [1]
    Les frontières culturelles et politiques du monde mycénien [1]
    Frontières du caquet en forme de chanson [1]
    Frontières et identités : étude des décors céramiques dans la région des monts Mandara et de ses plaines (Nord-Cameroun/Nord-Nigéria) à l'Âge du Fer [1]
    Fronto-parietal neural activity during multi-attribute decision-making [1]