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Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Formation of crystalline Si1-xGex top layers by ion implantation in crystalline silicon
(Elsevier, 2023-02-27)
Semiconductor nanocrystals incorporated in a dielectric film are widely studied as potential candidates to exceed the Shockley-Queisser theoretical conversion limit of photovoltaic cells. In this context, Ge nanocrystals ...
Raman-based mapping and depth-profiling of the relaxation state in amorphous silicon
(American Institute of Physics, 2024-02-09)
We show that the micro-scale variations in the relaxation state of amorphous silicon (aSi) can be well-identified by Raman mapping over hundreds or thousands of µm2 in 1-2 hours.
Pure and relaxed a-Si is obtained by ...
Engineering visible light emitting point defects in Zr-implanted polycrystalline AlN films
(American Institute of Physics, 2020-12-22)
We have investigated the impact of thermal annealing gaseous atmosphere of argon, nitrogen, and forming gas on the structural and optical properties of thin polycrystalline AlN films subjected to high-energy zirconium ions ...
In-plasma analysis of plasma–surface interactions
(American Institute of Physics, 2023)
During deposition, modification, and etching of thin films and nanomaterials in reactive plasmas, many active species can interact with the
sample simultaneously. This includes reactive neutrals formed by fragmentation ...
Spectrum simulation of rough and nanostructured targets from their 2D and 3D image by Monte Carlo methods
Corteo is a program that implements Monte Carlo (MC) method to simulate ion beam analysis (IBA) spectra of several techniques by following the ions trajectory until a sufficiently large fraction of them reach the detector ...
Formation of crystalline Si1-xGex top layers by ion implantation in crystalline silicon
(Elsevier, 2023-02-27)
Semiconductor nanocrystals incorporated in a dielectric film are widely studied as potential candidates to exceed the Shockley-Queisser theoretical conversion limit of photovoltaic cells. In this context, Ge nanocrystals ...
Critical process temperatures for resistive InGaAsP/InP heterostructures heavily implanted by Fe or Ga ions
(Elsevier, 2015-07-30)
We report on critical ion implantation and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process temperatures that produce resistive Fe- or Ga-implanted InGaAsP/InP heterostructures. Two InGaAsP/InP heterostructure compositions, with band ...