• Entre nature et liberté : le rôle des Lumières kantiennes 

    Piché, Claude (De Gruyter, 2018)
    Le passage du §83 au §84 dans la Critique de la faculté de juger constitue à n’en pas douter un moment charnière dans l’architectonique de cette œuvre, dont l’une des motivations principales consiste à combler l’abîme qui sépare nature et liberté. Si ...
  • The Perils of Not Thinking Like an Economist: How to Assess Value 

    MELKEVIK, ÅBSJØRN (Centre de recherche en éthique, 2018-08-03)
    It is common to muse over the perils of thinking like an economist. There is, we are told, something missing when we only weigh the costs and benefits of some options before us, and then choose the one that will lead to the greatest utility. Such a ...
  • Rethinking a defense of sweatshops 

    Viner, Steve (Centre de recherche en éthique, 2019-06-25)
    In this paper, I criticize Benjamin Powell’s alleged comprehensive moral defense of sweatshops in his book Out of Poverty: Sweatshops and the Global Economy New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. I argue that his book is not comprehensive, for it ...