Now showing items 81-100 of 100

    Titles index
    Quantification and characterization of Ti-, Ce- and Ag5 nanoparticles in global surface waters and precipitation [1]
    Quantification of ZnO nanoparticles and other Zn containing colloids in natural waters using a high sensitivity single particle ICP-MS [1]
    Quantifying polymer chain orientation in strong and tough nanofibers with low crystallinity : towards next generation nanostructured superfibers [1]
    Raman spectroscopy of individual poly(ethylene oxide) electrospun fibers : effect of the collector on molecular orientation [1]
    Release of TiO2 nanoparticles from painted surfaces in cold climates : characterization using a high sensitivity single-particle ICP-MS [1]
    Sample preparation for the analysis of nanoparticles in natural waters by single particle ICP-MS [1]
    Selective isotopic labeling resolves the gel-to-fluid phase transitions of the individual leaflets of a planar-supported phospholipid bilayer [1]
    Separation, detection and characterization of nanomaterials in municipal wastewaters using hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to ICPMS and single particle ICPMS [1]
    Smart packaging in the sustainability challenge : eumelanin as a UV-absorption enhancer of polymers [1]
    Spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds [1]
    Stable amide activation of N-acetylated glycosamines for the synthesis of fused polycyclic glycomimetics [1]
    Talanta [3]
    Taming macromolecules with light : lessons learned from vibrational spectroscopy [1]
    Target and nontarget screening of PFAS in drinking water for a large-scale survey of urban and rural communities in Québec, Canada [1]
    Thermal degradation of conventional and nanoencapsulated azoxystrobin due to processing in water, spiked strawberry and incurred strawberry models [1]
    Time-dependent theory of electronic spectroscopy [1]
    Triazine‐based molecular glasses frustrate the crystallization of barbiturates [1]
    Variable-pressure luminescence and Raman spectroscopy of molecular transition metal complexes : spectroscopic effects originating from small, reversible structural variations [1]
    Vibrational spectroscopy [1]
    Water research [1]