Now showing items 18-37 of 190

    Titles index
    Bilan 2020 : identification des pathogènes aviaires au Québec grâce à l’utilisation de tests moléculaires [1]
    Biomedical chromatography [3]
    Bird species involved in west nile virus epidemiological cycle in southern Québec [1]
    BMC microbiology [2]
    BMC Veterinary research [1]
    BMC veterinary research [1]
    Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire [3]
    Canadian veterinary journal = Revue vétérinaire canadienne [10]
    Canine parvovirus type 2b is the most prevalent genomic variant strain found in parvovirus antigen positive diarrheic dog feces samples across Canada [1]
    Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol antinociceptive activity is mediated by distinct receptors in caenorhabditis elegans [1]
    Cannflavins isolated from cannabis sativa impede caenorhabditis elegans response to noxious heat [1]
    Capsaicin and Its analogues impede nocifensive response of caenorhabditis elegans to noxious heat [1]
    Capsular sialic acid of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 binds to swine influenza virus and enhances bacterial interactions with virus-infected tracheal epithelial cells [1]
    Case Report: Esophagitis and pharyngitis associated with avian infectious laryngotracheitis in backyard chickens: 2 cases [1]
    Cell reports [1]
    Characterisation of InlA truncation in Listeria monocytogenes isolates from farm animals and human cases in the province of Quebec [1]
    Characterization of a Canadian mink H3N2 influenza A virus isolate genetically related to triple reassortant swine influenza virus [1]
    Characterization of Endoproteolytic Processing of Dynorphins by Proprotein Convertases using Mouse Spinal Cord S9 Fractions and Mass Spectrometry [1]
    Chicken astrovirus (CAstV) molecular studies reveal evidence of multiple past recombination events in sequences originated from clinical samples of white chick syndrome (WCS) in Western Canada [1]
    Chicken Caecal Microbiome Modifications Induced by Campylobacter jejuni Colonization and by a Non-Antibiotic Feed Additive [1]