• A transcriptome-based perspective of cell cycle regulation in dinoflagellates 

    Morse, David; Daoust, Philip; Benribague, Siham (Elsevier, 2016-10-17)
    Dinoflagellates are a group of unicellular and generally marine protists, of interest to many because of their ability to form the large algal blooms commonly called “red tides”. The large algal concentrations in these blooms require sustained cell ...
  • A transcriptome-based perspective of meiosis in dinoflagellates 

    Morse, David (Elsevier, 2019-08-01)
    There is increasing interest in the possibility of sexual recombination in dinoflagellates, especially those symbiotic with coral, since recombination may be able to augment genetic diversity and reduce levels of coral bleaching. Several previous studies ...