Now showing items 1-10 of 10

  • Computation and Analysis of Multiple Structural-Change Models 

    Bai, Jushan; Perron, Pierre (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1998)
    In a recent paper, Bai and Perron (1998) considered theoretical issues related to the limiting distribution of estimators and test statistics in the linear model with multiple structural changes. In this companion paper, we consider practical issues ...
  • Exact Tests for Contemporaneous Correlation of Disturbances in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions 

    Dufour, Jean Marie; Khalaf, Lynda (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2000)
    This paper proposes finite-sample procedures for testing the SURE specification in multi-equation regression models, i.e. whether the disturbances in different equations are contemporaneously uncorrelated or not. We apply the technique of Monte Carlo ...
  • The FCLT with Dependent Errors: an Helicopter Tour of the Quality of the Approximation 

    Perron, Pierre; MALLET, Sylvie (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1998)
    This note investigates the adequacy of the finite-sample approximation provided by the Functional Central Limit Theorem (FCLT) when the errors are allowed to be dependent. We compare the distribution of the scaled partial sums of some data with the ...
  • Jumps in the Volatility of Financial Markets 

    Perron, Benoit (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1999)
    Recent work suggests that the conditional variance of financial returns may exhibit sudden jumps. This paper extends a non-parametric procedure to detect discontinuities in otherwise continuous functions of a random variable developed by Delgado and ...
  • Logique et tests d'hypotheses: reflexions sur les problemes mal poses en econometrie 

    Dufour, Jean Marie (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2001)
    Dans ce texte, nous analysons les développements récents de l’économétrie à la lumière de la théorie des tests statistiques. Nous revoyons d’abord quelques principes fondamentaux de philosophie des sciences et de théorie statistique, en mettant l’accent ...
  • Markovian Processes, Two-Sided Autoregressions and Finite-Sample Inference for Stationary and Nonstationary Autoregressive Processes 

    Dufour, Jean Marie; TORRES, Olivier (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2000)
    In this paper, we develop finite-sample inference procedures for stationary and nonstationary autoregressive (AR) models. The method is based on special properties of Markov processes and a split-sample technique. The results on Markovian processes ...
  • A Representation Theorem for Domains with Discrete and Continuous Variables 

    Blackorby, Charles; Bossert, Walter; Donaldson, David (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2001)
    This paper proves a new representation theorem for domains with both discrete and continuous variables. The result generalizes Debreu's well-known representation theorem on connected domains. A strengthening of the standard continuity axiom is used in ...
  • The Shape of the Risk Premium: Evidence from a Semiparametric Garch Model 

    LINTON, Olivier; Perron, Benoit (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1999)
    We examine the relationship between the risk premium on the S&P 500 index return and its conditional variance. We use the SMEGARCH - Semiparametric-Mean EGARCH - model in which the conditional variance process is EGARCH while the conditional mean is ...
  • Simulation-Based Finite and Large Sample Tests in Multivariate Regressions 

    Dufour, Jean Marie; Khalaf, Lynda (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 2000)
    In the context of multivariate linear regression (MLR) models, it is well known that commonly employed asymptotic test criteria are seriously biased towards overrejection. In this paper, we propose a general method for constructing exact tests of ...
  • Simulation-Based Finite-and Large-sample Inference Methods in Multivariate Regressions and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions 

    Dufour, Jean Marie; Khalaf, Lynda (Université de Montréal. Département de sciences économiques., 1998)
    In the context of multivariate regression (MLR) and seemingly unrelated regressions (SURE) models, it is well known that commonly employed asymptotic test criteria are seriously biased towards overrejection. in this paper, we propose finite-and ...