Now showing items 940-959 of 1511

    Titles index
    M & A cases : definition of the relevant market [1]
    Macroclosures in Open Economy Cge Models: a Numerical Reappraisal [1]
    The Macroeconomic Effects of Infrequent Information with Adjustment Costs [1]
    Macroeconomic Interdependence and the Terms of Trade [1]
    Macroemesures in Computable General Equilibrium Models: a Probabilistic Treatment with an Application to Morocco [1]
    Maîtrise du risque et évolution de l'outil informatique à la Banque Royale du Canada [1]
    Major Choice: Undergraduate Concentrations and the Probability of Graduation [1]
    La maladie hollandaise: une étude empirique appliquée à des pays en développement exportateurs de pétrole [1]
    The management of innovation under ambiguity [1]
    Manipulation via Capacities Revisited [1]
    Le marché boursier canadien et l'intégration financière croissante des pays d'Amérique [1]
    Le marché financier des matières premières [1]
    Le marché politique: Qu'est-ce qui est produit? Qui y participe? Qui en profite? [1]
    Marchés financiers émergents: est-ce que les rendements en valent le risque? [1]
    Mark Up Fluctuations in U.S. Manufacturing and Trade: New Empirical Evidence Based on a Model of Optimal Storage [1]
    Market Determinants of Misleading Advertising [1]
    Market Time and Asset Price Movements: Theory and Estimation [1]
    Markovian Processes, Two-Sided Autoregressions and Finite-Sample Inference for Stationary and Nonstationary Autoregressive Processes [1]
    Matching Markets under (In)complete Information [1]
    Matching, Human capital, and the Covariance Structure of Earnings [1]