Now showing items 899-918 of 1512

    Titles index
    Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being [1]
    Intertemporal and Spatial Depletion of Landfills [1]
    Intertemporal Material Deprivation [1]
    Intertemporal Social Evaluation [1]
    Intertemporal utility models for asset pricing : reference levels and individual heterogeneity [1]
    Intraday Patterns in Stock Prices Traded on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange [1]
    Intrégration économique et convergence : le cas de l'Australie [1]
    Introducing Spatial Competition Through an Autoregressive Continunous Distributed (AR-C-D) Process in Intercity Generation-Distribution Models within a Quasi-Direct Format (QDF) [1]
    Introduction de l'epargne et endogeneisation des prix dans un systeme complet de demande de biens de consommation [1]
    An Introduction to Insurance Economics [1]
    Investigating the Law of One Price by Using a Threshold Model [1]
    Investissement Direct Étranger (IDE) et Croissance (1980-1999), cas de quelques pays de la Caraïbe [1]
    Investissement et incertitude: études théoriques et analyse empirique [1]
    Les investissements en technologies flexibles de production: problèmes d'évaluation et considérations stratégiques [1]
    Investissements en TIC et productivité du travail au Québec [1]
    Investment Under Demand Uncertainty: the Newsboy Problem Revisited [2]
    Investment, Taxation and Econometric Policy Evaluation: Some Evidence on the Lucas Critique [1]
    Investors Impacts on Currency Returns: Theory versus Practice [1]
    Is Seasonal Adjustment a Linear or Nonlinear Data Filtring Process [1]
    ITEM : An Integrated Transport Economy Model - Price Elasticities of Freight Transport Demand in Canada : Three Canadian Markets and Four Commodities [1]