Now showing items 1488-1507 of 1512

    Titles index
    Vertical and Horizontal Fiscal Interaction in a Federation: The Case of Corporate Income Tax in Canada [1]
    Vertical R&D Sprillovers, Cooperation, Market Structure, and Innovation [1]
    La volatilité du taux de change et son impact sur les exportations canadiennes aux États-Unis depuis l'éclatement du système Bretton-Woods [1]
    Volatilité stochastique du taux de change nominal canadien dans une persperctive de long et court terme [1]
    Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Sets in Matching Problems [1]
    Wage Discrimination Between Jews and Non-Jews in Israel [1]
    Wage Discrimination Between White and Visible Minority Immigrants in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector [1]
    Wage Flexibility and Contract Structure in Germany [1]
    Wage policy of firms : an empirical investigation [1]
    The Wage Rate and the Profit Rate in the Price of Production Equation: a New Solution to an Old Problem [1]
    Wages and Mobility: the Impact of Employer-Provided Training [1]
    Welfare criteria from choice: the sequential solution [1]
    Welfare Reform in Canada and the United States: a Comparison of the Effects of Unconditional and Conditional Block Grants [1]
    What Is a Commody? Two Axiomatic Anwers [1]
    What is ambiguity? [1]
    What is the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on the Host Economy? An Analysis For Developed Countries with a Focus on Canada [1]
    Which are the Effects of a Monetary Policy Shock on the Different Components of GDP (consumptions, Investments, Export of Goods and Services, Imports of Goods and Services) in Canada? [1]
    Why Have Aggregate Skilled Hours Become So Cyclical Since the Mid-1980's? [1]
    The Wild Bootstrap for the Variance Radio Test [1]
    Wine Auctioning: a Study of Auctionneer's Decisions [1]