Now showing items 1-12 of 12

  • AnaBench: a Web/CORBA-based workbench for biomolecular sequence analysis 

    Badidi, Elarbi; De Sousa, Cristina; Lang, Franz Bernd; Burger, Gertraud (2003)
    BACKGROUND:Sequence data analyses such as gene identification, structure modeling or phylogenetic tree inference involve a variety of bioinformatics software tools. Due to the heterogeneity of bioinformatics tools in usage and data requirements, ...
  • AutoFACT: An Automatic Functional Annotation and Classification Tool 

    Koski, Liisa; Gray, Michael; Lang, Franz Bernd; Burger, Gertraud (2005)
    BACKGROUND:Assignment of function to new molecular sequence data is an essential step in genomics projects. The usual process involves similarity searches of a given sequence against one or more databases, an arduous process for large datasets.RESULTS:We ...
  • Bone mineral density measurement and osteoporosis treatment after a fragility fracture in older adults: regional variation and determinants of use in Quebec 

    Vanasse, Alain; Dagenais, Pierre; Niyonsenga, Théophile; Grégoire, Jean-Pierre; Courteau, Josiane; Hemiari, Abbas (2005)
    BACKGROUND:Osteoporosis (OP) is a skeletal disorder characterized by reduced bone strength and predisposition to increased risk of fracture, with consequent increased risk of morbidity and mortality. It is therefore an important public health problem. ...
  • Heterotachy and long-branch attraction in phylogenetics 

    Philippe, Hervé; Zhou, Yan; Brinkmann, Henner; Rodrigue, Nicolas; Delsuc, Frédéric (2005)
    BACKGROUND:Probabilistic methods have progressively supplanted the Maximum Parsimony (MP) method for inferring phylogenetic trees. One of the major reasons for this shift was that MP is much more sensitive to the Long Branch Attraction (LBA) artefact ...
  • iVici: Interrelational Visualization and Correlation Interface 

    Tarassov, Kirill; Michnick, Stephen (2005)
    We have developed an application, iVici, to analyze cellular networks represented as addressable symmetric or asymmetric two-dimensional matrices. iVici was designed to permit simultaneous visualization and correlation of multiple datasets, representing ...
  • A maximum likelihood framework for protein design 

    Kleinman, Claudia; Rodrigue, Nicolas; Bonnard, Cécile; Philippe, Hervé; Lartillot, Nicolas (2006)
    BACKGROUND:The aim of protein design is to predict amino-acid sequences compatible with a given target structure. Traditionally envisioned as a purely thermodynamic question, this problem can also be understood in a wider context, where additional ...
  • Overview of the First Phylogenomics Conference 

    Philippe, Hervé; Blanchette, Mathieu (2007)
    The First Phylogenomics Conference was held in Ste-Adèle (Québec, Canada) in March 2006. Selected papers appear in this special issue of BMC Evolutionary Biology. Here, we give an introduction to the field and provide an overview of the articles presented ...
  • Pharmacogenomics of blood lipid regulation 

    Legault, Marc-André; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Dubé, Marie-Pierre (Future Medicine, 2018-04-04)
    Blood lipids are important modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease and drugs target different lipid fractions. Considerable efforts have been made to identify genetic variants that modulate responses to drugs in the hope of optimizing their ...
  • Pharmacological chaperones : therapeutic potential for diseases resulting from GPCR misfolding 

    Laurin, Suli-Anne; Sajjad, Ahrari; Bouvier, Michel (Wiley, 2022-11-22)
    Adequate protein folding and trafficking represent crucial processes in the proper functioning of cells. Their integrity is ensured by highly regulated multi-step quality control mechanisms at different locations in the protein synthesis and secretory ...
  • SCaFoS: a tool for Selection, Concatenation and Fusion of Sequences for phylogenomics 

    Roure, Béatrice; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Philippe, Hervé (2007)
    BACKGROUND:Phylogenetic analyses based on datasets rich in both genes and species (phylogenomics) are becoming a standard approach to resolve evolutionary questions. However, several difficulties are associated with the assembly of large datasets, such ...
  • Suppression of long-branch attraction artefacts in the animal phylogeny using a site-heterogeneous model 

    Lartillot, Nicolas; Brinkmann, Henner; Philippe, Hervé (2007)
    BACKGROUND:Thanks to the large amount of signal contained in genome-wide sequence alignments, phylogenomic analyses are converging towards highly supported trees. However, high statistical support does not imply that the tree is accurate. Systematic ...
  • Three rounds (1R/2R/3R) of genome duplications and the evolution of the glycolytic pathway in vertebrates 

    Steinke, Dirk; Hoegg, Simone; Brinkmann, Henner; Meyer, Axel (2006)
    BACKGROUND:Evolution of the deuterostome lineage was accompanied by an increase in systematic complexity especially with regard to highly specialized tissues and organs. Based on the observation of an increased number of paralogous genes in vertebrates ...