Now showing items 1149-1168 of 7129

    Titles index
    Comparer l'expérience de la fatigue induite par l'effort physique et mental : une approche mixte alliant quantitatif et qualitatif [1]
    Comparing mental training techniques used by NHL and AHL ice-hockey referees to achieve optimal performance [1]
    Comparing tolerability profile of second generation antipsychotics in schizophrenia and affective disorders : a meta-analysis [1]
    Comparison between transperineal ultrasound and digital dectection of levator ani trauma : can we improve the odds? [1]
    Comparison of congenital cardiac surgery techniques through the development of national and international cohorts [1]
    Comparison of epicardial mapping and noncontact endocardial mapping in dog experiments and computer simulations [1]
    Comparison of MRI - and CT-based semiautomated liver segmentation : a validation study [1]
    Comparison of parametric methods for modeling corneal surfaces [1]
    Comparison of proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum from control rat liver with proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum from dissected liver tumor nodules [1]
    Comparison of quasi-spherical surfaces : application to corneal biometry [1]
    Comparison of two methods for measuring the pubococcygeal line from sagittal-plane magnetic resonance imaging [1]
    Competition assays define the interaction between the human ℓ-globin gene and its locus control region [1]
    Complémentation fonctionnelle in vivo des phénotypes observés chez la souris grey-lethal (gl) [1]
    Complex interplay between RAS superfamily GTPases and tumour suppressor RASSF effectors [1]
    Complexe d'épaule dans un contexte d'analyse tridimentionnel - Modélisation et mise en garde [1]
    La complexité des gestes et l'apparence naturelle de la parole chez des sujets bègues fluides [1]
    Compliance measurement-guided medication management programs in hypertension : a systematic review [1]
    Complications cardiométaboliques chez les survivants de la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë pédiatrique : rôles de la dysbiose intestinale et de la nutrition dans leur développement [1]
    Complications et évaluation des patients avec cardiopathies congénitales complexes définies par un ventricule droit systémique et une physiologie biventriculaire [1]
    Components of reaching and grasping an object may emerge following a single minimization process [1]