Voici les éléments 4668-4687 de 6827

    Index des titres
    Molecular mechanisms for a switch-like mating decision in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
    Molecular mechanisms involved in the induction and maintenance of cellular senescence [1]
    Molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid resistance in Cushing’s disease [1]
    Molecular mechanisms of intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis : the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines [1]
    Molecular mechanisms of the regulation of expression of the angiotensinogen gene in the kidney : effect of catecholamines (in vitro) [1]
    Molecular mechanisms underlying deficient neurogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease [1]
    Molecular metabolism [2]
    Molecular mode of action of Cry6Aa1, a new insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis toxin [1]
    Molecular protein function prediction using sequence similarity-based and similarity-free approaches [1]
    Molecular psychiatry [1]
    Molecules and mechanisms of glial and synaptic plasticity [1]
    Molécules anti-facteurs de virulence : étude de l’efficacité et de l’amélioration d’une molécule inhibitrice du système de sécrétion de type IV de Helicobacter pylori [1]
    Moment arms of the deltoid, infraspinatus and teres minor muscles for movements with high range of motion : a cadaveric study [1]
    Monoacylglycerol as a metabolic coupling factor in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion [1]
    Monoacylglycerol, alpha/beta-hydrolase domain-6, and the regulation of insulin secretion and energy metabolism [1]
    Monocyte and T cell plasticity in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis [1]
    The moral difference between premature infants and neonates compared to older patients [1]
    Morbidity characteristics related to cardiovascular outcomes in French Canadian Families of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec [1]
    More symmetrical gait after split-belt treadmill walking does not modify dynamic and postural balance in individuals post-stroke [1]
    Morphogenèse de la thyroïde : de l'humain au poisson-zèbre [1]