Now showing items 511-530 of 786

    Titles index
    Nakagami Kenji : un projet littéraire et social autour du statut des intouchables japonais [1]
    Narrating violence and the nation in Nigeria in the fiction of Anthonia Kalu and Sefi Atta [1]
    The narrative manipulation of human subjectivity : a machinic exploration of psyche as artificial ready-made [1]
    Narrative mourning : Joyce, Freud, Kincaid, Derrida [1]
    The narrative structure of comics [1]
    Nation and its configuration : the (mis)representation of the Orient in the literary imagination of Melville [1]
    Nation, miscegenation, and the myth of the Mulatta/o Monster 1859-1886 [1]
    Navigating trauma and the city : at the intersection of trauma theory and flânerie in contemporary Canadian fiction [1]
    Neither here nor there : the Figure of the vampire as a locus of neutrality [1]
    No Laughing Matter: Shakespearean Melancholy and the Transformation of Comedy [1]
    Noisy and haptic interventions in the feminist codex : daring refusals by H. D., Lisa Robertson, Rachel Zolf, and Erín Moure [1]
    The non-verbal as a means of communication in Three of Harold Pinter's plays : the dumb waiter, the homecoming and the lover [1]
    "The nothing that is" : An Ethics of Absence Within the Poetry of Wallace Stevens [1]
    Nouveaux explorateurs : les bédéistes et leurs récits de voyage dans Shenzhen de Guy Delisle et Missionnaire de Joann Sfar [1]
    Un nuevo peldaño para la escalera Amestoy : recepción e interpretación de Historia de una escalera [1]
    Nulle part ailleurs : la poétique de l'absence dans le Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa [1]
    “[O]ur virtues and our vices depend too much on our circumstances” : prostitution as power in John Cleland’s Memoirs of a woman of pleasure [1]
    La obediencia rebelde: Roberto Manzano, Rafael Almanza y Jesús David Curbelo, tres poetas contemporáneos ante el canon cubano [1]
    Obligation de flâner : fugues narratives sur les sentiers littéraires [1]
    La obra de José Rossi y Rubi en el Mercurio Peruano : búsqueda y creación del lector criollo ilustrado [1]