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dc.contributor.authorDesCôteaux, Luc
dc.contributor.authorRousseau, Marjolaine
dc.contributor.authorDenicourt, Martine
dc.contributor.authorLamothe, Anne-Marie
dc.contributor.authorVillettaz Robichaud, Marianne
dc.contributor.authorHamilton, Alex
dc.contributor.authorChristen, Anne-Marie
dc.contributor.authorDenis-Robichaud, José
dc.subjectDecision treefr
dc.subjectDairy cattlefr
dc.subjectEnd-of-life responsibilityfr
dc.subjectEuthanasia methodsfr
dc.titleEuthanasia and management of downer cows on farm : online surveyfr
dc.typeAutre / Otherfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine vétérinairefr
dc.contributor.affiliationDairy Farmers of Ontario
dcterms.abstractThe goal of this survey is to make an inventory of the practices usedon farm to euthanize and manage downers and identify challenges producers face. Our aim is to assemble an overall and representative picture of current practices in order to better support producers in managing these difficult cases. Your responses to this survey will be used to develop and propose methods and tools designed to meet producers’ needs and facilitate the implementation of these practices on

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