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Rodeo File

dc.contributor.authorRoy, Alain
dc.subjectAnimal welfare and safetyfr
dc.subjectVeterinary analysisfr
dc.subjectAnimal rightsfr
dc.titleRodeo Filefr
dc.typeRapport / Reportfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de droitfr
dcterms.abstractThe documents, texts and videos below relate to the analysis of the data collected during the Montreal and St-Tite rodeos of the summer of 2017. They constitute a milestone in the steps that I initiated a few months ago on the basis of the protocol approved by the Superior Court of Quebec on June 16, 2017 (Honorable Stephen W. Hamilton, Superior Court of Quebec, Judicial District of Montreal, File No. 500-17-098815-171) under which I was the accorded the right of unlimited access to the facilities and animal beings. A document of over 600 pages reporting the analyses of Dr. Jean-Jacques Kona-Boun, DVM, MSc, DACVAA, is now in the hands of the Advisory Committee on Animal Welfare and Safety Used in Rodeo Activities that was established by the Quebec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the basis of the Superior Court Judgment. The Committee is now mandated to study the Report’s implications in light of the new Animal Welfare and Safety Act (RLRQ, C. B-3.1) and to make appropriate recommendations to the Government of Quebec. The people of Quebec are entitled to expect the Quebec government to ensure compliance with its own law. Otherwise the government will have to assume the consequences of its decisions. Animal advocates are now sufficiently well-organized to defend their cause using all legal and judicial resources at their
dcterms.alternativeDossier Rodéofr
dcterms.descriptionMultiple files are included: press release, plaintiff's report, salient facts, comments on the data from expertsfr
dcterms.descriptionThe RODEO files are completed by a video ( and salient facts videos (

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