Voici les éléments 115-134 de 203

    Index des titres
    Longitudinal associations between delinquency, depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescence : testing the moderating effect of sex and family socioeconomic status [1]
    Lower Cortisol Activity is Associated with First-Time Driving while Impaired [1]
    Management of crime scene units by Quebec police senior managers : insight on forensic knowledge and understanding of key stakeholders [1]
    Marginalised voices in criminology [1]
    Mechanisms of personality-targeted intervention effects on adolescent alcohol misuse, internalising and externalising symptoms [1]
    Menace de fusillade en milieu scolaire à l’ère d’Internet [1]
    Mental health service utilization among students and staff in 18 months following Dawson College shooting [1]
    Mental health treatment seeking by military members with posttraumatic stress disorder : findings on rates, characteristics, and predictors from a nationally representative Canadian military sample [1]
    Nightmare frequency, nightmare distress and the efficiency of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder [1]
    Nouveau traité de sécurité :sécurité intérieure et sécurité urbaine [1]
    Nouveaux habits de la vieille fraude : une vision "écosystémique" des fraudeurs, de leurs instruments et de leurs victimes [1]
    Objective neuropsychological deficits in post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury: what remains beyond symptom similarity? [1]
    Ofending frequency and responses to illegal monetary incentives [1]
    Only a matter of time? The role of criminal competence in avoiding arrest [1]
    Overt social support behaviors : Associations with PTSD, concurrent depressive symptoms and gender [1]
    Penser les violences conjugales comme un problème de sociétés [1]
    Piratage informatique [1]
    Points de vue de femmes incarcérées dans des établissements fédéraux concernant les impacts du contexte carcéral sur leur trajectoire de consommation de drogues [1]
    La politique d’intervention en matière de violence conjugale, dix-huit ans plus tard : évaluation de l’impact sur le système judiciaire québécois [1]
    Les politiques en matière de drogue : une question de valeur? [1]