Now showing items 300-319 of 557

    Titles index
    Market Time and Asset Price Movements: Theory and Estimation [1]
    Markovian Processes, Two-Sided Autoregressions and Finite-Sample Inference for Stationary and Nonstationary Autoregressive Processes [1]
    Matching Markets under (In)complete Information [1]
    Matching, Human capital, and the Covariance Structure of Earnings [1]
    Maximal-Element Rationalizability [1]
    The Measurement of Diversity [1]
    Measuring Economic Insecurity [1]
    Measuring uncertainty at the regional level using newspaper text [1]
    Medical Conditions and the Severity of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers's Road Accidents [1]
    Mesure du Progres Technique: Theories et Methodes [1]
    Méthodes d’inférence exactes pour un modèle de régression avec erreurs AR(2) gaussiennes [1]
    Methodology in Economics: the Logic of Appraisal [1]
    Methods to Estimate Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models [1]
    Mexico's Financial Liberalization and Reform, a Critical Overview [1]
    (Minimally) 'epsilon'-incentive compatible competitive equilibria in economies with indivisibilities [1]
    La mobilite internationale des facteurs de production en situation de chomage et de libre-echange commercial: une revue de la problematique [1]
    A Model of Comparative Statics for Changes in Stochastic Returns with Dependent Risky Assets [1]
    A model of dynamic liquidity contracts [1]
    Un modèle à moyen terme de l'économie du Québec [1]
    Le modèle AFRODEX d'indexation de la dette extérieur et son application à cinq pays de l'Afrique dite francophone [1]