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Now showing items 41-60 of 95

  • Nonspecific interactions in biomedical applications 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Salimi, Sina; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Banquy, Xavier (Elsevier, 2019-12-20)
    Nonspecific interactions play a major role in the microscale functioning of biological units. Exploiting these interactions in design and application of biomedical systems has been beneficial in different branches of biomedicine. In this review, recently ...
  • Synergy between zwitterionic polymers and hyaluronic acid enhances antifouling performance 

    Xia, Yinqiang; Adibnia, Vahid; Shan, Cancan; Huang, Renliang; Qi, Wei; He, Zhimin; Xie, Guojun; Olszewski, Mateusz; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof; Banquy, Xavier; Su, Rongxin (American Chemical Society, 2019-09-03)
    Challenges associated with nonspecific adsorption of proteins on sensor surfaces have steered the development of novel antifouling materials and strategies. Inspired by human synovial fluid composition and structure, we designed synergistic antifouling ...
  • The relational dimensions of pharmaceutical care : experience from caring for HIV-infected asylum seekers in Montréal 

    David, Pierre-Marie; Robert, Emilie; Wong, Alison Y. J.; Sheeha, Nancy L. (Elsevier, 2019-09-03)
    By describing the experience from dispensing antiretroviral drugs to asylum seekers infected with HIV in Montreal we argue for the relational dimensions of pharmaceutical care. Between 2010 and 2016, the Government of Canada changed the medical coverage ...
  • Chitosan hydrogel micro-bio-devices with complex capillary patterns via reactive-diffusive self-assembly 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Latreille, Pierre-Luc; Faivre, Jimmy; Cécyre, Bruno; Bouchard, Jean-François; Martinez, Vincent A.; Delair, Thierry; David, Laurent; Hwang, Dae Kun; Banquy, Xavier (Elsevier, 2019-08-29)
    We present chitosan hydrogel microfluidic devices with self-assembled complex microcapillary patterns, conveniently formed by a diffusion-reaction process. These patterns in chitosan hydrogels are formed by a single-step procedure involving diffusion ...
  • Platelet function in aging 

    Le Blanc, Jessica; Lordkipanidzé, Marie (Frontiers Media, 2019-08-07)
    Aging is associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and thrombosis. Platelets play a major role in maintaining hemostasis and in thrombus formation, making them a key player in thrombotic disorders. Whereas it is well-known that ...
  • Electrostatic screening length in “soft” electrolyte solutions 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Shrestha, Budha Ratna; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Murschel, Frederic; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Banquy, Xavier (American Chemical Society, 2019-07-30)
    Using the Surface Forces Apparatus on solutions of polymeric ions, the effect of specific ion–ion correlations is evaluated on the characteristic decay length, λ, of screened electrostatic interactions between charged surfaces. Electrolyte solutions ...
  • A multi-modal miniature surface forces apparatus (µSFA) for interfacial science measurements 

    Kristiansen, Kai; Donaldson, Stephen; Berkson, Zachariah J.; Scott, Jeffrey; Su, Rongxin; Banquy, Xavier; Dong Woog, Lee; de Aguiar, Hilton B.; McGraw, Joshua; Degen, George D.; Israelachvili, Jacob N. (American Chemical Society, 2019-07-30)
    Advances in the research of intermolecular and surface interactions result from the development of new and improved measurement techniques and combinations of existing techniques. Here, we present a new miniature version of the Surface Force Apparatus ...
  • Interfacial forces across ionic liquid solutions : effect of ion concentration and water domains 

    Adibnia, Vahid; Mirbagheri, Marziye; Latreille, Pierre-Luc; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Rochefort, Dominic; Banquy, Xavier (American Chemical Society, 2019-07-23)
    Using the surface force apparatus (SFA), the interaction forces between mica surfaces across ionic liquid (IL) solutions are studied. The IL solution, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide in propylene carbonate solvent, is used ...
  • Dose-dependent pharmacokinetics of ropivacaine in anesthetized rabbits : absence of changes in protein binding 

    Fady, Thomas; Martin-Bouyer, Véronique; Drolet, Pierre; Varin, France (Annex Publishers, 2019-04-25)
    Objective: The primary objectives of this study were to investigate the in vivo pharmacokinetics and in vitro plasma protein binding of ropivacaine at the concentration range observed after intravenous administration of different doses in anesthetized ...
  • Coiled-coil affinity-based system for the controlled release of biofunctionalized gold nanoparticles from alginate hydrogels 

    Roth, Audrey; Murschel, Frederic; Latreille, Pierre-Luc; Martinez, Vincent A.; Liberelle, Benoît; Banquy, Xavier; De Crescenzo, Gregory (American Chemical Society, 2019-04-05)
    Affinity-based systems represent a promising solution to control the delivery of therapeutics using hydrogels. Here, we report a hybrid system that is based on the peptidic E/K coiled coil affinity pair to mediate the release of gold nanoparticles (NPs) ...
  • Subtle and unexpected role of PEG in tuning the penetration mechanisms of PLA-based nano-formulations into intact and impaired skin 

    Lalloz, Augustine; Bolzinger, Marie-Alexandrine; Briançon, Stéphanie; Faivre, Jimmy; Rabanel, Jean-Michel; García Ac, Araceli; Hildgen, Patrice; Banquy, Xavier (Elsevier, 2019-02-27)
    We present a systematic study of the role of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) content in NPs on drug skin absorption. Cholecalciferol-loaded NPs of 100 nm of diameter were prepared by flash nanoprecipitation from PLA-b-PEG copolymers of various PEG lengths. ...
  • Ce qu'expérienter fait faire 

    David, Pierre-Marie; Godrie, Baptiste; Benmarhnia, Tarik (Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019)
  • Data-adaptive longitudinal model selection in causal inference with collaborative targeted minimum loss-based estimation 

    Schnitzer, Mireille; Sango, Joel; Ferreira Guerra, Steve; Van der Laan, Mark J. (Wiley, 2019)
    Causal inference methods have been developed for longitudinal observationalstudy designs where confounding is thought to occur over time. In particular,one may estimate and contrast the population mean counterfactual outcomeunder specific exposure ...
  • Estimating treatment importance in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using Targeted Learning : an observational individual patient data network meta-analysis 

    Estimating MDR-TB treatment importance using TMLE
    Wang, Guanbo; Schnitzer, Mireille; Menzies, Dick; Viiklepp, Piret; Holtz, Timothy H.; Benedetti, Andrea (Wiley, 2019)
    Persons with multidrug‐resistant tuberculosis (MDR‐TB) have a disease resulting from a strain of tuberculosis (TB) that does not respond to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most effective anti‐TB drugs. MDR‐TB is always treated with multiple ...
  • Study of the bioaccumulation of tinzaparin in renally impaired patients when given at prophylactic doses : The STRIP study 

    Prophylactic tinzaparin in severe renal disease
    Projean, Denis; Lalonde, Suzanne; Morin, Jean; Nogues, Eliott; Séguin, Audrey; Vincent, A.; Lafrance, Jean-Philippe; Masson, Violaine; Kassis, Jeannine; Fafard, J.; Lordkipanidzé, Marie (Elsevier, 2018-12-02)
  • Nanoparticle heterogeneity : an emerging structural parameter 2 influencing particle fate in biological media? 

    Rabanel, Jean-Michel; Adibnia, Vahid; Tehrani, Soudeh F.; Sanche, Steven; Hildgen, Patrice; Banquy, Xavier; Ramassamy, Charles (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-11-27)
    Drug nanocarriers’ surface chemistry is often presumed to be uniform. For instance, the polymer surface coverage and distribution of ligands on nanoparticles are described with averaged values obtained from quantification techniques based on particle ...
  • Lubrication and wear protection of micro-structured hydrogels using bioinspired fluids 

    Faivre, Jimmy; Montembault, Alexandra; Sudre, Guillaume; Shrestha, Buddha R.; Xie, Guojun; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof; Benayoun, Stéphane; Banquy, Xavier; Delair, Thierry; David, Laurent (American Chemical Society, 2018-11-21)
    We report the fabrication and the use of a bioinspired synovial fluid acting as a lubricant fluid and anti-wear agent at soft and porous chitosan hydrogel tribopairs. This synthetic synovial fluid is composed of sodium hyaluronate (HA) and a bottle-brush ...
  • Biomimetic bottle-brush polymer coatings for fabrication of ultra-low fouling surfaces 

    Xia, Yinqiang; Adibnia, Vahid; Huang, Renliang; Murschel, Frederic; Faivre, Jimmy; Xie, Guojun; Olszewski, Mateusz; De Crescenzo, Gregory; Qi, Wei; He, Zhimin; Su, Rongxin; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof; Banquy, Xavier (Wiley, 2018-11-13)
    The increasing demand for long lasting antifouling surfaces has steered the development of accessible, novel, biocompatible and environmentally-friendly materials. Inspired by lubricin (LUB), a component of mammalian synovial fluid with excellent ...
  • Increased platelet reactivity and platelet–leukocyte aggregation after elective coronary bypass surgery 

    Ivert, Torbjörn; Dalén, Magnus; Ander, Charlotte; Stålesen, Ragnhild; Lordkipanidzé, Marie; Hjemdahl, Paul (Taylor & Francis, 2018-11-13)
    Inflammatory mechanisms are activated, and thrombotic complications occur during the initial months after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Therefore, changes over time of platelet activation and platelet–leukocyte interactions after CABG are ...
  • Causal inference with multiple concurrent medications: a comparison of methods and an application in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis 

    Siddique, Arman Alam; Schnitzer, Mireille; Bahamyirou, Asma; Guanbo, Wang; Holtz, Timothy H.; Migliori, Giovanni B (SAGE, 2018-10-31)
    This paper investigates different approaches for causal estimation under multiple concurrent medications. Our parameter of interest is the marginal mean counterfactual outcome under different combinations of medications. We explore parametric and ...