Browsing Faculté des arts et des sciences – Département de science politique - Travaux et publications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 133
Policy change and information search : a test of the politics of information using regulatory data
(Springer, 2023-03-18)Some policy scholars insist that any policy change is difficult to achieve, while others argue that large change occurs more frequently than we imagine. The work of Baumgartner and Jones reconciles these arguments, suggesting that the extent to which ... -
The many faces of knowledge : Do science and traditional ecological knowledge coexist in federal assessments?
(Wiley, 2022-08-14)Traditional Ecological Knowledge is officially recognizedas a legitimate source of information when legislating onwildlife management at the federal level. This studyassesses the extent to which this kind of information ismobilized by administrators ... -
State breakdown and Army-Splinter Rebellions
(SAGE, 2022-07-03)In Afghanistan, Libya, Liberia and beyond, armed rebellions have begun when armies fell apart. When does this occur? This paper conducts a large-N analysis of these army-splinter rebellions, distinct from both non-military rebellions from below and ... -
Predicting in an (increasingly) unpredictable system? : forty years of election forecasting in France
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2022-02-22)In the last 40 years or so, scholars have proposed a vast array of models and approaches to predict election outcomes in a variety of democracies. Election forecasting has garnered increasing attention and has been the subject of multiple symposia and ... -
Un monde désenchanté : essai sur la crise sociale et politique
(Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2022)Titre cruel s’il en est, le monde désenchanté de Gérard Boismenu explique la désillusion, le découragement, la déception, le désabusement et la désespérance d’une partie importante de la population, celle qui vit la détérioration de ses conditions ... -
A methodological scoping review of the integration of fMRI to guide dMRI tractography. What has been done and what can be improved; a 20-year perspective
(Elsevier, 2021-11-13)Combining MRI modalities is a growing trend in neurosciences. It provides opportunities to investigate the brain architecture supporting cognitive functions. Integrating fMRI activation to guide dMRI tractography offers potential advantages over standard ... -
Positive communication in a catastrophic crisis : the mixed effects of COVID-19 on the tone of Canadian governments’ media coverage
(Intellect, 2021-07-01)Crisis management strategies have taken a new significance amidst the COVID-19 crisis. In Canada, while the tone of media coverage of political leaders is usually stable over time, the pandemic has provoked variation that provides an opportunity to ... -
A technocratic view of election forecasting : weighting citizens’ forecasts according to competence
(Oxford University Press, 2021-05-10)The present research note contributes to the (citizen) forecasting literature by leveraging vote expectation data from close to 3,200 district-level races in four countries (i.e., Canada, France, Germany, and Great Britain) in order to assess the ... -
Did you see it coming? Explaining the accuracy of voter expectations for district and (sub)national election outcomes in multi-party systems
(Elsevier, 2021-03-19)The expectations of voters regarding election outcomes appear to be mostly influenced by their own political preferences. This raises two important questions. First, once partisan predispositions have been accounted for, how much do other variables ... -
More ‘Europe’, less Democracy? : European integration does not erode satisfaction with democracy
(Elsevier, 2021-01-31)The process of European integration, through institutions such as the European Union, the Eurozone, or Schengen, implies a shift in political decision-making away from the national governments and towards international institutions. This gradual shift ... -
Playing the synthesizer with Canadian data : adding polls to a structural forecasting model
(Elsevier, 2020-07-04)Election forecasting has become a fixture of election campaigns in a number of democracies. Structural modeling, the major approach to forecasting election results, relies on ‘fundamental’ economic and political variables to predict the incumbent’s ... -
Do women vote less correctly? The effect of gender on ideological proximity voting and correct voting
(University of Chicago Press, 2020-05-11)Studies on political knowledge routinely find that women have lower levels of political knowledge than men. This gender gap in political knowledge is usually interpreted as troublesome for democracy, because a lack of political knowledge could imply ... -
Does business influence government regulations? Newevidence from Canadian impact assessments
(Wiley, 2020-04-27)Regulatory impact assessments frequently embed stakeholder consultations in their design. Canada was one of the early adopters of such an approach and therefore has systematic documentation on the actors taking part in these consultations. This article ... -
Pandémie, mort de la mort et philosophie des Lumières
(Éditions liber, 2020-03-18) -
Dire oui à la technique moderne tout en lui disant non : avec Heidegger
(2020-03)Le 25 mars 2020, l’équipe de l’émission « Le Temps du débat » – émission diffusée sur la station de radio culturelle nationale publique française « France Culture » – m’a demandé de rédiger un article sur la question suivante : « du moment que pour ... -
How IMET your mother : revisiting foreign military training, human capital, and coup risk
(2020)How does foreign aid in the form of military training impact civil-military relations in recipient states? Savage and Caverley (2017) find that US foreign military training alters the balance of power between recipient state militaries and their ... -
Analyse causale et méthodes quantitatives : une introduction avec R, Stata et SPSS
(Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2020)L'analyse causale est une des tâches principales du scientifique. Un criminologue évalue l'effet d'une sentence sur la probabilité qu'un condamné récidive. Une économiste mesure l'effet de la discrimination raciale sur les perspectives d'emploi d'un ...