\------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ TD1 Temporal Discrimination Training \ Version: 1.42 \ Created by Shaun Khoo (25 July 2019) \ >('.')< \ http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0972-3788 \ License: MIT \ Notes: This program can be modified to run temporal discrimination studies \ as described by Popik et al. (2020), doi:10.1016/j.pbb.2020.173011. \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \CONTROL CONSTANTS ^Trials = 40 \Number of trials of each type ^TimeToFirstTrial = 15 \Time before first trial in (s) ^ShortTime = 30 \Length of the short cue (s) [Will be divided by 10] ^LongTime = 120 \Length of the long cue (s) [will be divided by 10] ^NoResponseTime = 5 \Seconds until the trial is recorded as an ommission ^Pairing = 1 \Pairing of cue length and manipulanda: \0 = Pairing selected by BOX ID \1 = Short cue paired with Left Nosepoke (Odd Boxes Default) \2 = Long cue paired with Left Nosepoke (Even Boxes Default) ^StandardLength = 0 \Specify a standard session length (s) \This will scale the last ITI so that lasts until the session ends ^ForcedPercent = 0 \Percentage of trials that will be forced correct ^ForcedTimeLimit = 300 \Time in seconds until a forced trial will end. Set to 0 for unlimited. ^HighHzHandling = 1 \0 = None, 1 = Warn, 2 = Remove ^MaxResponseHz = 5 \Maximum response frequency; if greater than this, will add to warnings or ignore nosepoke ^Version = 142 \Version number, will be divided by 100 \Inputs ^LeftNose = 1 ^RightNose = 5 ^Magazine = 6 \Outputs ^LeftNoseLight = 1 ^RightNoseLight = 5 ^MagLight = 10 ^Pellet = 12 ^Houselight = 11 ^Fan = 9 \Z-Pulses ^Reward = 1 ^StartCS = 2 ^IntermediateShort = 3 ^IntermediateLong = 4 ^EndCS = 5 ^ForcedTrial = 6 ^EndTrial = 7 ^Shutdown = 8 \Event Identities ^EventPreCSShort = -1 ^EventPreCSLong = -2 ^EventPreCSMag = -3 ^EventCue = 10 ^EventPremCorrect = 11 ^EventPremIncorrect = 12 ^EventMagazineCue = 13 ^EventForcedTrial = 19 ^EventNoseAvailable = 20 ^EventCorrect = 21 ^EventIncorrect = 22 ^EventTrialMagazine = 23 ^EventForcedCorrect = 24 ^EventIgnoredIncorrect = 25 ^EventForcedOmission = 29 ^EventOmission = 30 ^EventPersevCorrect = 31 ^EventPersevIncorrect = 32 ^EventITIMagazine = 33 ^EventITIlength = 0 \DATA - TOTALS DIM A = 50 \A(0) = Correct responses (also equals number of pellets earned) [Unforced trials only] \A(1) = Incorrect responses [Unforced trials only] \A(2) = Omissions (trials with no response) [Unforced trials only] \A(3) = Forced Trials Correct Responses \A(4) = Forced Trials Incorrect Responses (ignored) \A(5) = Forced Trial Omissions \A(6) = Premature nosepokes (nosepokes while cue is on, but nosepoke stimulus lights are not on) \A(7) = Premature 'correct' nosepokes \A(8) = Premature 'incorrect' nosepokes \A(9) = Perseverations (nosepokes after a trial) \A(10) = Perseverations 'correct' nosepoke (defined by the trial preceding the interval) \A(11) = Perseverations 'incorrect' nosepoke (defined by the trial preceding the interval) \A(12) = Short-paired nosepokes before first trial \A(13) = Long-paired nosepokes before first trial \A(14) = Total magazine entries \A(15) = Magazine entries during cue \A(16) = Magazine entries during trial, but after cue \A(17) = Magazine entries during ITIs \A(18) = Magazine entries before first trial \A(19) = Percent correct responses (%C) \A(20) = Percent incorrect responses (%I) \A(21) = Percent omissions (%O) \A(22) = Elapsed Session Time (s) \A(23) = Side preference (% left) \A(24) = Left nosepokes \A(25) = Right Nosepokes \A(26) = Short-paired nosepoke high frequency warnings \A(27) = Long-paired nosepoke high frequency warnings \A(W+28) = Presentations of each cue type (includes forced trials) \DATA - EVENT LOG DIM B = 10000 \All event times, subscript Y/X(16) DIM C = 10000 \All event identities, subscript Y/X(16) \DATA - TIMECOURSES DIM D = 5000 \Trial markers (Cue, Manipulanda, End), subscript Y/X(17) DIM E = 5000 \Short-paired Nosepokes, subscript Y/X(18) DIM F = 5000 \Long-paired Nosepokes, subscript Y/X(19) DIM G = 5000 \Magazine entries, subscript Y/X(20) \DATA - CUE/TRIAL/ITI DATA DIM H = 1000 \Correct Nosepokes, subscript Y/X(21) DIM I = 1000 \Incorrect Nosepokes, subscript Y/X(21) DIM J = 1000 \Magazine entries, subscript Y/X(21) \DATA - RESULTS BY CUE LENGTH DIM K = 300 \Correct nosepoke, subscript W; %C Y/W + X(6); Forced Latency Y/W + 2*X(6); A, aka short-paired T/W+3*X(6); %A, aka %short-paired Y/W + 4*X(6); DIM L = 300 \Incorrect nosepoke, subscript W; %I Y/W + X(6); Total Forced Latency Y/W + 2*X(6); B, aka long-paired T/W+3*X(6); %B, aka %long-paired Y/W + 4*X(6); DIM M = 300 \Omission, subscript W; %O Y/W + X(6); Number Forced Trials Y/W + 2*X(6); DIM N = 100 \Premature correct, subscript W DIM O = 100 \Premature incorrect, subscript W DIM P = 100 \Perseverations correct, subscript W DIM Q = 100 \Perseverations incorrect, subscript W DIM R = 100 \Magazine entries (doesn't include ITI), subscript W \CONTROL VARIABLES - CUE INFORMATION \CONTROL VARIABLES - CUE TYPE \The cue type corresponds to the index of LIST U \i.e. a trial of type 0, corresponds to the first duration in LIST U \and a trial type of 3 corresponds to the fourth duration in LIST U. LIST S = 0, 0, 1, 1 \subscript W \CONTROL VARIABLES - CUE LENGTH \The cue lengths should be listed in ascending order. LIST U = 5, 20 \CONTROL VARIABLES - INTER-TRIAL INTERVALS \These values are on a uniform distribution between 5 and 15 \It has a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3.24. \This follows the 10 +\- 5 s ITI used by Bizot (1997; doi:10.1097/00008877-199708000-00003). \This list should have the same length as the number of trials in order for session length to be standardisable LIST V = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 \CONTROL VARIABLES - WORKING VARIABLES DIM X = 24 \X(0) = Session Clock \X(1) = Centisecond Clock \X(2) = Cue presentation time \X(3) = No Response Omission time \X(4) = Time to cue \X(5) = Intermediate cue time \X(6) = Size of the U array \X(7) = Total trials necessary \X(8) = Total trials delivered \X(9) = Cue selection errors \X(10) = Counter for display on the screen \Forced Trial Management \X(11) = Maximum Forced Trials \X(12) = Maximum Unforced Trials \X(13) = Forcing WITHPI \X(14) = Forced Trials for Current Cue Length, pulled from M(Y/W+2*X(6)) \X(15) = Unforced Trials for Current Cue Length, calculated from K(W) + L(W) + M(W) \Holding elements for subscript values \X(16) = Subscript for B and C arrays \X(17) = Subscript for D array \X(18) = Subscript for E array \X(19) = Subscript for F array \X(20) = Subscript for G array \X(21) = Subscript for H, I and J arrays \X(22) = High Frequency Time \X(23) = High Frequency Time 1 \X(24) = High Frequency Time 2 \CONTROL VARIABLES - SESSION PARAMETERS DIM Z = 15 var_alias Trials = Z(0) var_alias Time to First Trial (s) = Z(1) var_alias Short Cue Time (s) = Z(2) var_alias Long Cue Time (s) = Z(3) var_alias No Response Time (s) = Z(4) var_alias Pairing = Z(5) var_alias ShortCue Nosepoke = Z(6) var_alias LongCue Nosepoke = Z(7) var_alias ShortCue Nose Light = Z(8) var_alias LongCue Nose Light = Z(9) var_alias Standard Session Length (s) = Z(10) var_alias Forced Trials Percent = Z(11) var_alias Forced Trial Expiry (s) = Z(12) var_alias High Frequency Response = Z(13) var_alias High Frequency Definition (Hz) = Z(14) var_alias Program Version = Z(15) \DATA MANAGEMENT DISKVARS = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, U, V, Z DISKOPTIONS = FULLHEADERS DISKCOLUMNS = 1 Y2KCOMPLIANT \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 1 - Session Control Program S.S.1, S1, \State 1 sets the default variable values 0.01": SET Z(0) = ^Trials, Z(1) = ^TimeToFirstTrial, Z(2) = ^ShortTime / 10; SET Z(3) = ^LongTime / 10, Z(4) = ^NoResponseTime, Z(5) = ^Pairing; SET Z(10) = ^StandardLength, Z(11) = ^ForcedPercent; SET Z(12) = ^ForcedTimeLimit, Z(13) = ^HighHzHandling; SET Z(14) = ^MaxResponseHz, Z(15) = ^Version / 100; \Non-response first value for timecourse arrays SET D(0) = -1, E(0) = -1, F(0) = -1, G(0) = -1; \Seal all the arrays SET B(1) = -987.987, C(1) = -987.987, D(1) = -987.987; SET E(1) = -987.987, F(1) = -987.987, G(1) = -987.987; SET H(1) = -987.987, I(1) = -987.987, J(1) = -987.987; \Determine the size of the U array. ~W := Round((Sizeof(U)/Sizeof(U[0])));~; SET X(6) = W; \Then seal the K-R arrays based on the size of the U array SET K(5*W) = -987.987, L(5*W) = -987.987, M(3*W) = -987.987; SET N(W) = -987.987, O(W) = -987.987, P(W) = -987.987; SET Q(W) = -987.987, R(W) = -987.987; SET A(W+28) = -987.987; IF Z(5) = 0 [@ASSIGN, @CHECK] @ASSIGN: SET Y = BOX / 2; ~Y := Frac(Y);~; \Determine if the box number is even or odd IF Y < 0.1 [@EVEN, @ODD] @EVEN: SET Z(5) = 2.01; \Decimal indicates pairing was set automatically SET Z(7) = ^LeftNose, Z(9) = ^LeftNoseLight; \Assign pairings based on box SET Z(6) = ^RightNose, Z(8) = ^RightNoseLight ---> S2 @ODD: SET Z(5) = 1.01; SET Z(6) = ^LeftNose, Z(8) = ^LeftNoseLight; SET Z(7) = ^RightNose, Z(9) = ^RightNoseLight ---> S2 @CHECK: IF Z(5) < 1.5 [@SHORTLEFT, @LONGLEFT] \Assign pairings based on settings @SHORTLEFT: SET Z(6) = ^LeftNose, Z(8) = ^LeftNoseLight; SET Z(7) = ^RightNose, Z(9) = ^RightNoseLight ---> S2 @LONGLEFT: SET Z(7) = ^LeftNose, Z(9) = ^LeftNoseLight; SET Z(6) = ^RightNose, Z(8) = ^RightNoseLight ---> S2 S2, \State 2 waits for the start command #START: ON ^Fan; \Calculate the total number of trials required and the intermediate cue time SET X(7) = X(6) * Z(0); SET X(5) = (Z(2) + Z(3)) / 2; \Calculate the parameters for forced trials SET Y = Z(0) * (Z(11) / 100); ~ Y:= Round(Y);~; SET X(11) = Y; SET X(12) = Z(0) - X(11), X(13) = Z(11) * 100; \Record the program's actual start time, overwriting the program load time SET STARTHOURS = CURRENTHOURS, STARTMINUTES = CURRENTMINUTES; SET STARTSECONDS = CURRENTSECONDS; \Display the session clock SHOW 1, Session Time, X(0) ---> S3 S3, \State 3 operates the overall session clock 1": ADD X(0); SHOW 1, Session Time, X(0); IF (X(0) >= Z(10)) AND (Z(10) > 0) [@SHUTDOWN, @CONTINUE] @SHUTDOWN: Z^Shutdown ---> S4 @CONTINUE: ---> SX #Z^Shutdown: ---> S4 S4, \State 4 waits for half a second before saving the data and closing the session 0.5": ---> STOPABORTFLUSH \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 2 - Centisecond clock S.S.2, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: ---> S2 S2, \State 2 increments the centisecond clock 0.01": SET X(1) = X(1) + 0.01 ---> SX \Upon receiving the ^Shutdown Z-Pulse, records the actual session length #Z^Shutdown: SET A(22) = X(1) ---> S3 S3, \State 3 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 3 - Trial management S.S.3, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: SET X(3) = Z(4) * 1"; \Set the no response time limit IF Z(1) > 0 [@LEADIN, @CUE] @LEADIN: SET X(4) = Z(1) * 1", ---> S2 @CUE: RANDD W = S; SET X(2) = U(W) * 1"; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCue + U(W) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ON ^Houselight, ^MagLight; ADD A(W+28), X(8); IF U(W) = X(5) [@INTERMEDIATE, @PROCEED] @INTERMEDIATE: WITHPI = 5000 [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: Z^IntermediateShort ---> S3 @LONG: Z^IntermediateLong ---> S3 @PROCEED: Z^StartCS ---> S3 S2, \State 2 waits to present the first cue X(4)#T: RANDD W = S; SET X(2) = U(W) * 1"; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCue + U(W) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ON ^Houselight, ^MagLight; ADD A(W+28), X(8); IF U(W) = X(5) [@INTERMEDIATE, @PROCEED] @INTERMEDIATE: WITHPI = 5000 [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: Z^IntermediateShort ---> S3 @LONG: Z^IntermediateLong ---> S3 @PROCEED: Z^StartCS ---> S3 S3, \State 3 waits to turn off the houselight and open the manipulanda X(2)#T: OFF ^Houselight; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; \The next two lines increment the bin for the Cue/Trial/ITI data ADD X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; \Then calculate whether this trial is going to be a forced trial or not SET Y = W + 2*X(6); SET X(14) = M(Y), X(15) = K(W) + L(W) + M(W); IF (X(14) < X(11)) AND (X(15) < X(12)) [@USEWITHPI, @CHECK] @USEWITHPI: WITHPI = X(13) [@FORCED, @UNFORCED] @FORCED: SET X(3) = 0; Z^ForcedTrial; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventForcedTrial; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987 ---> S6 @UNFORCED: Z^EndCS; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventNoseAvailable; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987 ---> S4 @CHECK: IF X(14) < X(11) [@MUSTFORCE, @CHECKUF] @MUSTFORCE: SET X(3) = 0; Z^ForcedTrial; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventForcedTrial; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987 ---> S6 @CHECKUF: IF X(15) < X(12) [@UNFORCE, @NOMORE] @UNFORCE: Z^EndCS; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventNoseAvailable; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987 ---> S4 @NOMORE: ---> S7 S4, \State 4 waits either for a response or for the no response time limit to record an omission X(3)#T: ADD A(2), M(W); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventOmission; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ADD X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; SHOW 4, Omissions, A(2); \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions SET A(19) = A(0) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(20) = A(1) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(21) = A(2) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions for this cue length SET Y = W + X(6); SET K(Y) = K(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET M(Y) = M(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; \Calculate %A (%short-paired), %B (%long-paired) for this cue length SET T = W + 3*X(6), Y = W + 4*X(6); SET K(Y) = K(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; \It will then set the ITI for the next trial and record its length RANDD X(4) = V; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventITIlength + X(4) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET X(4) = X(4) * 1"; Z^EndTrial; \Check if another cue needs to be delivered IF X(8) < X(7) [@NEXTTRIAL, @FINALITI] @NEXTTRIAL: ---> S5 @FINALITI: ---> S7 #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ADD X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; \It will then set the ITI for the next trial and record its length RANDD X(4) = V; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventITIlength + X(4) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET X(4) = X(4) * 1"; \Check if another cue needs to be delivered IF X(8) < X(7) [@NEXTTRIAL, @FINALITI] @NEXTTRIAL: ---> S5 @FINALITI: ---> S7 S5, \State 5 waits to deliver the next cue \It will first check if this cue has not been presented too many times \If it needs to reselect the cue, it will display an error and try again twice \If it fails on the 3rd attempt it will throw an error and will try again on the next interrupt X(4)#T: RANDD W = S; IF A(W+28) < Z(0) [@PROCEED, @RESELECT] @PROCEED: SET X(2) = U(W) * 1"; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCue + U(W) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ON ^Houselight, ^MagLight; ADD A(W+28), X(8), X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; IF U(W) = X(5) [@INTERMEDIATE, @PROCEED] @INTERMEDIATE: WITHPI = 5000 [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: Z^IntermediateShort ---> S3 @LONG: Z^IntermediateLong ---> S3 @PROCEED: Z^StartCS ---> S3 @RESELECT: ADD X(9); SHOW 10, Cue Selection Error, X(9); RANDD W = S; IF A(W+28) < Z(0) [@PROCEED, @RESELECT] @PROCEED: SET X(2) = U(W) * 1"; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCue + U(W) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ON ^Houselight, ^MagLight; ADD A(W+28), X(8), X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; IF U(W) = X(5) [@INTERMEDIATE, @PROCEED] @INTERMEDIATE: WITHPI = 5000 [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: Z^IntermediateShort ---> S3 @LONG: Z^IntermediateLong ---> S3 @PROCEED: Z^StartCS ---> S3 @RESELECT: ADD X(9); SHOW 10, Cue Selection Error, X(9); RANDD W = S; IF A(W+28) < Z(0) [@PROCEED, @FAIL] @PROCEED: SET X(2) = U(W) * 1"; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCue + U(W) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ON ^Houselight, ^MagLight; ADD A(W+28), X(8), X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; IF U(W) = X(5) [@INTERMEDIATE, @PROCEED] @INTERMEDIATE: WITHPI = 5000 [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: Z^IntermediateShort ---> S3 @LONG: Z^IntermediateLong ---> S3 @PROCEED: Z^StartCS ---> S3 @FAIL: ADD X(9); SHOW 10, Cue Selection Failure, X(9); SET X(4) = 0.01" ---> SX S6, \State 6 waits for a correct response in a forced trial 0.1": SET X(3) = X(3) + 0.1; SHOW 5, Waiting for Response, X(3); IF (X(3) + 0.001 >= Z(12)) AND (Z(12) > 0) [@ENDFORCED, @CONTINUE] @ENDFORCED: ADD A(5); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventForcedOmission; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = W + 2*X(6); ADD M(Y); SET L(Y) = L(Y) + X(3); SET K(Y) = L(Y) / M(Y); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = X(3); SET X(3) = Z(4) * 1"; SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ADD X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; RANDD X(4) = V; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventITIlength + X(4) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET X(4) = X(4) * 1"; Z^EndTrial; IF X(8) < X(7) [@NEXTTRIAL, @FINALITI] @NEXTTRIAL: ---> S5 @FINALITI: ---> S7 @CONTINUE: ---> SX \Following a correct response, the latency is recorded #Z^Reward: SET Y = W + 2*X(6); ADD M(Y); SET L(Y) = L(Y) + X(3); SET K(Y) = L(Y) / M(Y); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = X(3); SET X(3) = Z(4) * 1"; \And then begin the ITI SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = X(1); ADD X(17); SET Y = X(17); SET D(Y) = -987.987; ADD X(21); SET Y = X(21); SET H(Y) = 0, I(Y) = 0, J(Y) = 0; SET H(Y+1) = -987.987, I(Y+1) = -987.987, J(Y+1) = -987.987; \It will then set the ITI for the next trial and record its length RANDD X(4) = V; SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventITIlength + X(4) / 100; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET X(4) = X(4) * 1"; \Check if another cue needs to be delivered IF X(8) < X(7) [@NEXTTRIAL, @FINALITI] @NEXTTRIAL: ---> S5 @FINALITI: ---> S7 S7, \State 7 waits out a final ITI X(4)#T: IF Z(10) > 0 [@ABSOLUTETIME, @RATBASED] @ABSOLUTETIME: ---> S8 @RATBASED: Z^Shutdown ---> S8 S8, \State 8 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 4 - Short-paired Nosepoke S.S.4, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: SHOW 2, Correct Responses, A(0); SHOW 3, Incorrect Responses, A(1); SHOW 4, Omissions, A(2); IF Z(1) > 0 [@LEADIN, @CUE] @LEADIN: ---> S2 @CUE: ---> S3 S2, \State 2 waits to shift to the cue \Add to the total, then pull the subscript into a variable from the X array and \Record the event time and event identity #RZ(6): ADD A(12); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPreCSShort; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; \Timestamp the response in the short-paired nosepoke timecourse array SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S12 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S3, \State 3 records premature correct responses during short cues #RZ(6): ADD A(6), A(7); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPremCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21); ADD H(Y), N(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S13 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^EndCS: ON Z(8) ---> S4 #Z^ForcedTrial: ON Z(8) ---> S9 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S4, \State 4 records a correct response to a short cue #RZ(6): ADD A(0); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; SHOW 2, Correct Responses, A(0); \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21), T = W + 3*X(6); ADD H(Y), K(W), K(T); \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions SET A(19) = A(0) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(20) = A(1) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(21) = A(2) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions for this cue length SET Y = W + X(6); SET K(Y) = K(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET M(Y) = M(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; \Calculate %A (%short-paired), %B (%long-paired) for this cue length SET Y = W + 4*X(6); SET K(Y) = K(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^Reward; OFF Z(8) ---> S5 #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: OFF Z(8) ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: OFF Z(8) ---> S11 S5, \State 5 records perseverant responses during the ITI following a short cue #RZ(6): ADD A(9), A(10); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPersevCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21); ADD H(Y), P(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S14 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S6, \State 6 records premature incorrect responses during a long cue #RZ(6): ADD A(6), A(8); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPremIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y), O(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S15 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^EndCS: ON Z(8) ---> S7 #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S10 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S7, \State 7 records an incorrect response to a long cue #RZ(6): ADD A(1); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; SHOW 3, Incorrect Responses, A(1); \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21), T = W + 3*X(6); ADD I(Y), L(W), K(T); \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions SET A(19) = A(0) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(20) = A(1) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(21) = A(2) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions for this cue length SET Y = W + X(6); SET K(Y) = K(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET M(Y) = M(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; \Calculate %A (%short-paired), %B (%long-paired) for this cue length SET Y = W + 4*X(6); SET K(Y) = K(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^EndTrial; OFF Z(8) ---> S8 #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: OFF Z(8) ---> S8 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S8, \State 8 records perseverant responses during the ITI following a long cue #RZ(6): ADD A(9), A(11); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPersevIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; \Record nosepoke in the relevant trial bin and according to cue length SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y), Q(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S16 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S9, \State 4 records a correct response to a short cue during a forced trial #RZ(6): ADD A(3); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventForcedCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^Reward; OFF Z(8) ---> S5 #Z^EndTrial: OFF Z(8) ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S10, \State 10 records incorrect nosepokes to a long cue during a forced trial #RZ(6): ADD A(4); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventIgnoredIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = X(1); ADD X(18); SET Y = X(18); SET E(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y) ---> SX #Z^Reward ! #Z^EndTrial: ---> S8 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S11, \State 11 is a holding state #START: ---> SX S12, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S2 X(22)#T: ---> S2 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S13, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S3 X(22)#T: ---> S3 #Z^EndCS: ON Z(8) ---> S4 #Z^ForcedTrial: ON Z(8) ---> S9 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S14, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S5 X(22)#T: ---> S5 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S15, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S6 X(22)#T: ---> S6 #Z^EndCS: ON Z(8) ---> S7 #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S10 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S16, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S8 X(22)#T: ---> S8 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) < X(5) [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: ---> S3 @LONG: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 5 - Long-paired Nosepoke S.S.5, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: IF Z(1) > 0 [@LEADIN, @CUE] @LEADIN: ---> S2 @CUE: ---> S3 S2, \State 2 waits to shift to the cue #RZ(7): ADD A(13); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPreCSLong; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S12 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S3, \State 3 records premature correct responses during long cues #RZ(7): ADD A(6), A(7); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPremCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD H(Y), N(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S13 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^EndCS: ON Z(9) ---> S4 #Z^ForcedTrial: ON Z(9) ---> S9 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S4, \State 4 records a correct response to a long cue #RZ(7): ADD A(0); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SHOW 2, Correct Responses, A(0); SET Y = X(21), T = W + 3*X(6); ADD H(Y), K(W), L(T); \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions SET A(19) = A(0) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(20) = A(1) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(21) = A(2) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions for this cue length SET Y = W + X(6); SET K(Y) = K(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET M(Y) = M(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; \Calculate %A (%short-paired), %B (%long-paired) for this cue length SET Y = W + 4*X(6); SET K(Y) = K(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^Reward; OFF Z(9) ---> S5 #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: OFF Z(9) ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S5, \State 5 records perseverant responses during the ITI following a long cue #RZ(7): ADD A(9), A(10); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPersevCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD H(Y), P(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S14 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S6, \State 6 records premature incorrect responses during a short cue #RZ(7): ADD A(6), A(8); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPremIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y), O(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S15 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^EndCS: ON Z(9) ---> S7 #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S10 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S7, \State 7 records an incorrect response to a short cue #RZ(7): ADD A(1); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SHOW 3, Incorrect Responses, A(1); SET Y = X(21), T = W + 3*X(6); ADD I(Y), L(W), L(T); \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions SET A(19) = A(0) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(20) = A(1) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; SET A(21) = A(2) / (A(0) + A(1) + A(2)) * 100; \Calculate the %Correct, %Incorrect and %Omissions for this cue length SET Y = W + X(6); SET K(Y) = K(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; SET M(Y) = M(W) / (K(W) + L(W) + M(W)) * 100; \Calculate %A (%short-paired), %B (%long-paired) for this cue length SET Y = W + 4*X(6); SET K(Y) = K(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; SET L(Y) = L(T) / (K(T) + L(T) + M(W)) * 100; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^EndTrial; OFF Z(9) ---> S8 #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: OFF Z(9) ---> S8 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S8, \State 8 records perseverant responses during the ITI following a short cue #RZ(7): ADD A(9), A(11); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPersevIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y), Q(W); IF Z(13) > 1.5 [@RESPONSETO, @NULL] @RESPONSETO: ---> S16 @NULL: ---> SX #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S9, \State 9 records a correct response to a long cue during a forced trial #RZ(7): ADD A(3); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventForcedCorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; \Issue the ^EndTrial Z-Pulse and switch off the nosepoke light Z^Reward; OFF Z(9) ---> S5 #Z^EndTrial: OFF Z(9) ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S10, \State 10 records incorrect nosepokes to a short cue during a forced trial #RZ(7): ADD A(4); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventIgnoredIncorrect; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = X(1); ADD X(19); SET Y = X(19); SET F(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD I(Y) ---> SX #Z^Reward ! #Z^EndTrial: ---> S8 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S11, \State 11 is a holding state #START: ---> SX S12, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S2 X(22)#T: ---> S2 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S13, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S3 X(22)#T: ---> S3 #Z^EndCS: ON Z(9) ---> S4 #Z^ForcedTrial: ON Z(9) ---> S9 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S14, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S5 X(22)#T: ---> S5 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S15, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S6 X(22)#T: ---> S6 #Z^EndCS: ON Z(9) ---> S7 #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S10 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 S16, \Response timeout (RESPONSETO) wait for S8 X(22)#T: ---> S8 #Z^StartCS: IF U(W) > X(5) [@LONG, @SHORT] @LONG: ---> S3 @SHORT: ---> S6 #Z^IntermediateLong: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S11 \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 6 - Magazine Entries S.S.6, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: IF Z(1) > 0 [@LEADIN, @CUE] @LEADIN: ---> S2 @CUE: ---> S3 S2, \State 1 counts magazine entries during the lead-in #R^Magazine: ADD A(14), A(18); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventPreCSMag; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = X(1); ADD X(20); SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = -987.987 ---> SX #Z^StartCS: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong ! #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 S3, \State 3 records magazine entries during the cues #R^Magazine: ADD A(14), A(15); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventMagazineCue; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = X(1); ADD X(20); SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD J(Y), R(W) ---> SX #Z^EndCS ! #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S4 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S6 S4, \State 4 records magazine entries during nosepoke availability #R^Magazine: ADD A(14), A(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventTrialMagazine; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = X(1); ADD X(20); SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD J(Y), R(W) ---> SX #Z^EndTrial: OFF ^MagLight ---> S5 #Z^Reward: ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S6 S5, \State 5 records magazine entries during the ITI following the cue #R^Magazine: ADD A(14), A(17); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = X(1), C(Y) = ^EventITIMagazine; ADD X(16); SET Y = X(16); SET B(Y) = -987.987, C(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = X(1); ADD X(20); SET Y = X(20); SET G(Y) = -987.987; SET Y = X(21); ADD J(Y); OFF ^MagLight ---> SX #Z^StartCS: ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong ! #Z^IntermediateShort: ---> S3 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S6 S6, \State 6 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 7 - Pellet Delivery S.S.7, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: ---> S2 S2, \State 2 waits for ^Reward Z-Pulse #Z^Reward: ON ^Pellet ---> S3 #Z^Shutdown: ---> S4 S3, \State 3 turns off the pellet dispenser 1": OFF ^Pellet ---> S2 #Z^Shutdown: OFF ^Pellet ---> S4 S4, \State 4 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 8 - Calculate side preference S.S.8, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: ---> S2 S2, \State 2 counts left nosepokes \This is split into two separate state sets so that in the extremely \unlikely case that simultaneous nosepokes occur, both will be counted #R^LeftNose: ADD A(24); SET A(23) = A(24) / (A(24) + A(25)) * 100 ---> SX #Z^Shutdown: ---> S3 S3, \State 3 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 9 - Calculate side preference S.S.9, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: ---> S2 S2, \State 2 counts right nosepokes #R^RightNose: ADD A(25); SET A(23) = A(24) / (A(24) + A(25)) * 100 ---> SX #Z^Shutdown: ---> S3 S3, \State 3 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 10 - Screen updater S.S.10, \This state set is purely cosmetic S1, \State 1 will update the screen prior to the session start #START: IF Z(1) > 0 [@LEADIN, @CUE] @LEADIN: SET X(10) = Z(1); SHOW 5, Time to Cue, X(10) ---> S2 @CUE: SET X(10) = U(W); SHOW 5, Cue Presentation, X(10) ---> S3 1": SHOW 1, Trials Per Cue, Z(0); SHOW 2, Short Cue (s), Z(2); SHOW 3, Long Cue (s) , Z(3); IF Z(6) = ^LeftNose [@SHORT, @LONG] @SHORT: SHOW 4, Short Left Nosepoke, Z(6); SHOW 5, Long Right Nosepoke, Z(7) ---> SX @LONG: SHOW 4, Short Right Nosepoke, Z(6); SHOW 5, Long Left Nosepoke, Z(7) ---> SX S2, \State 2 counts down during an ITI 1": SUB X(10); SHOW 5, Time to Cue, X(10) ---> SX #Z^StartCS: SET X(10) = U(W); SHOW 5, Cue Presentation, X(10) ---> S3 #Z^IntermediateLong ! #Z^IntermediateShort: SET X(10) = U(W); SHOW 5, Cue Presentation, X(10) ---> S3 #Z^Shutdown: SET X(10) = 0; SHOW 5, Session Complete, X(10) ---> S7 S3, \State 3 counts down during the cue presentation 0.1": SET X(10) = X(10) - 0.1; SHOW 5, Cue Presentation, X(10) ---> SX #Z^EndCS: SET X(10) = Z(4); SHOW 5, Nosepokes Available, X(10) ---> S4 #Z^ForcedTrial: ---> S6 #Z^Shutdown: SET X(10) = 0; SHOW 5, Session Complete, X(10) ---> S7 S4, \State 4 counts down the nosepoke presentation 0.1": SET X(10) = X(10) - 0.1; SHOW 5, Nosepokes Available, X(10) ---> SX #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: IF X(8) < X(7) [@MORETRIALS, @FINALITI] @MORETRIALS: SET X(10) = X(4) / 1"; SHOW 5, Time to Cue, X(10) ---> S2 @FINALITI: IF Z(10) > 0 [@ABSOLUTE, @ITI] @ABSOLUTE: SET X(10) = Z(10) - X(0); SHOW 5, Time to Session End, X(10) ---> S5 @ITI: SET X(10) = X(4) / 1"; SHOW 5, Time to Session End, X(10) ---> S5 #Z^Shutdown: SET X(10) = 0; SHOW 5, Session Complete, X(10) ---> S7 S5, \State 5 counts down the final ITI 1": SUB X(10); SHOW 5, Time to Session End, X(10) ---> SX #Z^Shutdown: SET X(10) = 0; SHOW 5, Session Complete, X(10) ---> S7 S6, \State 6 waits during a forced trial - the trial management system deals with screen updates #Z^EndTrial ! #Z^Reward: IF X(8) < X(7) [@MORETRIALS, @FINALITI] @MORETRIALS: SET X(10) = X(4) / 1"; SHOW 5, Time to Cue, X(10) ---> S2 @FINALITI: IF Z(10) > 0 [@ABSOLUTE, @ITI] @ABSOLUTE: SET X(10) = Z(10) - X(0); SHOW 5, Time to Session End, X(10) ---> S5 @ITI: SET X(10) = X(4) / 1"; SHOW 5, Time to Session End, X(10) ---> S5 S7, \State 7 is a holding state #START: ---> SX \------------------------------------------------------------------------- \State Set 11 - High Frequency Handler S.S.11, S1, \State 1 waits for the start command #START: IF Z(13) < 0.5 [@NONE, @CHECK] @NONE: SET X(22) = -987.987 ---> S3 @CHECK: IF Z(13) < 1.5 [@WARN, @REMOVE] @WARN: SET X(22) = Z(14) - 1 ---> S2 @REMOVE: SET X(22) = 1" / Z(14) ---> S3 S2, \State 2 will add warnings if nosepokes occur too quickly #RZ(6): SET Y = X(18) - 1; IF Y > (X(22) + 1) [@CHECK, @NULL] @CHECK: SET X(23) = E(Y); SET Y = Y - X(22); SET X(24) = E(Y); IF X(23) - X(24) < 1 [@WARN, @OK] @WARN: ADD A(26) ---> SX @OK: ---> SX @NULL: ---> SX #RZ(7): SET Y = X(19) - 1; IF Y > (X(22 + 1) [@CHECK, @NULL] @CHECK: SET X(23) = F(Y); SET Y = Y - X(22); SET X(24) = F(Y); IF X(23) - X(24) < 1 [@WARN, @OK] @WARN: ADD A(27) ---> SX @OK: ---> SX @NULL: ---> SX #Z^Shutdown: ---> S3 S3, \State 3 is a holding state #START: ---> SX