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dc.contributor.authorVirag, Nathalie
dc.contributor.authorJacquemet, Vincent
dc.contributor.authorHenriquez, Craig S.
dc.contributor.authorZozor, Steeve
dc.contributor.authorBlanc, Olivier
dc.contributor.authorVesin, Jean-Marc
dc.contributor.authorPruvot, Etienne
dc.contributor.authorKappenberger, Lukas
dc.publisherAmerican Institute of Physicsfr
dc.titleStudy of atrial arrhythmias in a computer model based on magnetic resonance images of human atriafr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. Département de pharmacologie et physiologiefr
dcterms.abstractThe maintenance of multiple wavelets appears to be a consistent feature of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this paper, we investigate possible mechanisms of initiation and perpetuation of multiple wavelets in a computer model of AF. We developed a simplified model of human atria that uses an ionic-based membrane model and whose geometry is derived from a segmented MRI dataset. The three-dimensional surface has a realistic size and includes obstacles corresponding to the location of major vessels and valves, but it does not take into account anisotropy. The main advantage of this approach is its ability to simulate long duration arrhythmias (up to 40 seconds). Clinically relevant initiation protocols, such as single-site burst pacing, were used. The dynamics of simulated AF were investigated in models with different action potential durations and restitution properties, controlled by the conductance of the slow inward current in a modified Luo-Rudy model. The simulation studies show that (1) single-site burst pacing protocol can be used to induce wavebreaks even in tissue with uniform membrane properties, (2) the restitution-based wavebreaks in an atrial model with realistic size and conduction velocities are transient and (3) a significant reduction in APD (even with apparently flat restitution) increases the duration of
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleChaos : an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear sciencefr

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