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dc.contributor.authorAdam, Albert
dc.subjectMonoclonal antibodiesfr
dc.subjectAntigenic targetsfr
dc.subjectTheory and applicationsfr
dc.titleMonoclonal antibodies and immunotherapy : theory and applicationsfr
dc.typeMatériel didactique / Educational materialfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de pharmaciefr
dcterms.abstractThis document is an update of a previous one published on the Papyrus site of the University of Montreal in 2023. It takes into account new therapeutic targets as well as monoclonal antibodies approved last year by the FDA. This update consists of two parts. Firstly. the theoretical bases underlying the antigen-antibody reaction and therefore the effectiveness of active and passive immunotherapy. On the other hand, a description and classification of the 70 antigenic targets as well as their 150 corresponding monoclonal antibodies currently used for passive
dcterms.descriptionRevision and update 2024

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