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dc.contributor.authorMailhot, Tanya
dc.contributor.authorCossette, Sylvie
dc.contributor.authorLavoie, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorMaheu-Cadotte, Marc-André
dc.contributor.authorFontaine, Guillaume
dc.contributor.authorBourbonnais, Anne
dc.contributor.authorCôté, José
dc.subjectFamily caregiversfr
dc.subjectIntervention developmentfr
dc.subjectNursing interventionfr
dc.titleThe development of the MENTOR_D nursing intervention : supporting family involvement in delirium managementfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté des sciences infirmièresfr
dcterms.abstractBackground Although families are increasingly seen as allies to improve delirium management and reduce its consequences, their involvement in the postcardiac surgery setting is challenging considering patients' critical state and short hospital stay. To our knowledge, no theory-based nursing intervention exists that optimally supports the involvement of families in delirium management in the context of postcardiac surgery. Objectives We aimed to develop MENTOR_D, a nursing intervention to support the involvement of families in delirium management. Methods MENTOR_D was developed based on Sidani and Braden's (2011) intervention development framework. Narrative literature reviews paired with the clinical experience of an expert committee were used to inform these three steps: (1) develop an understanding of the problem under study; (2) define the objectives of the intervention and identify a theoretical framework for highlighting strategies to be used in the intervention; and (3) operationalize the intervention and identify its anticipated outcomes. Results As a result of the three steps, the MENTOR_D nursing intervention relies on a caring–mentoring relationship between a nurse and the family. The aim of MENTOR_D is to increase the presence of the family at their relative's bedside and their involvement in delirium management. MENTOR_D's content is delivered over three phases that are organised around the visits of the family at the patient's bedside. During these phases, families used their knowledge of the patient to tailor the delirium management actions. These actions include orientation and reminiscence and were aimed at diminishing anxiety and increasing sense of self-efficacy in families and diminishing delirium severity and improving recovery in patients. Conclusions A deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms of an intervention is key in its success to reach the targeted goals of effectiveness in practice. This understanding can be achieved through the careful development of a theory of the intervention before the operationalisation of its components and its testing. The proposed paper presents the theory of the MENTOR_D intervention, that is, its conceptualization and proposed mechanisms of action. Implications for practice As delirium continues to be a major complication, this intervention is a promising solution to increase families' involvement in delirium management and highlights the support that nurses can offer to facilitate this involvement. With its use in future studies and practice, it can be further
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleInternational journal of older people nursingfr

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