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dc.contributor.authorGoubault, Etienne
dc.contributor.authorMartinez, Romain
dc.contributor.authorAssila, Najoua
dc.contributor.authorMonga-Dubreuil, Élodie
dc.contributor.authorDowling-Medley, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorDal Maso, Fabien
dc.contributor.authorBegon, Mickaël
dc.subjectBiomechanical models – shoulderfr
dc.subjectForces and momentsfr
dc.subjectManual materials handlingfr
dc.subjectMusculoskeletal disordersfr
dc.titleEffect of expertise on shoulder and upper limb kinematics, electromyography, and estimated muscle forces during a lifting taskfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. École de kinésiologie et des sciences de l'activité physiquefr
dc.contributor.affiliationHôpital Sainte-Justine.‏ ‎Centre de recherche
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur le cerveau et l'apprentissage
dcterms.abstractObjective To highlight the working strategies used by expert manual handlers compared with novice manual handlers, based on recordings of shoulder and upper limb kinematics, electromyography (EMG), and estimated muscle forces during a lifting task. Background Novice workers involved in assembly, manual handling, and personal assistance tasks are at a higher risk of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). However, few studies have investigated the effect of expertise on upper limb exposure during workplace tasks. Method Sixteen experts in manual handling and sixteen novices were equipped with 10 electromyographic electrodes to record shoulder muscle activity during a manual handling task consisting of lifting a box (8 or 12 kg), instrumented with three six-axis force sensors, from hip to eye level. Three-dimensional trunk and upper limb kinematics, hand-to-box contact forces, and EMG were recorded. Then, joint contributions, activation levels, and muscle forces were calculated and compared between groups. Results Sternoclavicular–acromioclavicular joint contributions were higher in experts at the beginning of the movement, and in novices at the end, whereas the opposite was observed for the glenohumeral joint. EMG activation levels were 37% higher for novices but predicted muscle forces were higher in experts. Conclusion This study highlights significant differences between experts and novices in shoulder kinematics, EMG, and muscle forces; hence, providing effective work guidelines to ensure the development of a safe handling strategy is important. Application Shoulder kinematics, EMG, and muscle forces could be used as ergonomic tools to identify inappropriate techniques that could increase the prevalence of shoulder
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantGoubault, E., Martinez, R., Assila, N., Monga-Dubreuil, É., Dowling-Medley, J., Dal Maso, F., & Begon, M. (2022). Effect of expertise on shoulder and upper limb kinematics, electromyography, and estimated muscle forces during a lifting task. Human Factors, 64(5),
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleHuman factors : the journal of the human factors and ergonomics societyfr

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