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dc.contributorZufferey, S.
dc.contributorGygax, P.
dc.contributor.authorRoyle, Phaedra
dc.contributor.authorCourteau, Émilie
dc.contributor.authorPourquié, Marie
dc.titleExperimental methods to study atypical language developmentfr
dc.typeChapitre de livre / Book chapterfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. École d'orthophonie et d'audiologiefr
dcterms.abstractIn this chapter we present current issues on experimental methods in the study of atypical language development with a focus on developmental language disorders (DLD). We first present a short history of terminology surrounding DLD and follow this with a discussion of critical topics related to DLD assessment including cross-linguistic research, multilingualism, persisting disorders in teenagers, age-differences (pre-school, school age, adolescence, and adults) in manifestations and domains studied, language comprehension versus production, and cognitive assessment. We also bring focus to the question of matching control groups in the study of atypical language development. We present the most common methods used in the investigation of language impairments from the behavioural and neurocognitive perspectives. We provide an overview of the issues related to establishing equivalence between groups with and without language impairments. We conclude with recommendations for practice and future directions in the study of atypical language
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantRoyle, P., Courteau, É., & Pourquié, M. (accepté). Experimental methods to study atypical language development. Dans S. Zufferey & P. Gygax (dir.), Routledge Handbook in Experimental
oaire.citationTitleRoutledge handbook in experimental linguisticsfr

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