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dc.contributor.authorBoutard, Guillaume
dc.contributor.authorGuastavino, Catherine
dc.contributor.authorBernier, Nicolas
dc.contributor.authorGauthier, Philippe-Aubert
dc.contributor.authorFraisse, Valérian
dc.contributor.authorGiannini, Nicola
dc.contributor.authorChampagne, Julien
dc.publisherUniversity of California Pressfr
dc.subjectSound installationfr
dc.titleReview of contemporary sound installation practices in Québecfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté des arts et des sciences. École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'informationfr
dcterms.abstractContinuing a trend of publications investigating sound art within a specific geographical context, this paper proposes an original view of the sound installation practice in Que´bec. This study is part of a research project aiming at building new theoretical and practical tools for the documentation of such artworks. In this paper we present the outcomes of the first phase and its connection with the bigger picture of the project, which is the questioning of the relevance of spatial audio recordings with six degrees of freedom (6DoF) for mediating the capture of knowledge relating to the sensory experience of a work. During the first phase, we developed a conceptual descriptive framework based on a mixed-methods approach, top-down and bottom-up, consisting in a systematic review of literature paralleled with a categorization of contemporary sound art production in Que´bec based on publicly available documentation. This process led to a formal and quantitative depiction of the Que´bec scene, which aims to guide both the selection of case studies for the next phases but also to be part of the conceptual tools for investigating the sensory experience of these works. This quantitative depiction of the scene will thus foster a qualitative investigation of the sensory experience of sound art installations and the knowledge that may be lost in standard written documentation practice with an original methodological
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleResonance : the journal of sound and culturefr

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