We developed and validated an 8-item prognostic tool to identify youth
at risk of initiating frequent (i.e., at least weekly) cannabis use in the next year. The
tool, which aims to identify youth who would benefit most from clinician intervention, can be completed by the patient or clinician using a computer or smart phone
application prior to or during a clinic visit. Methodological challenges in developing
the tool included selecting a parsimonious model from a set of correlated predictors
with missing data. We implemented Bach’s bolasso algorithm which combines lasso
with bootstrap and investigated the performance of the prognostic tool in new data collected in a different time period (temporal validation) and in another location (geographic validation). The tool showed adequate discrimination abilities, as reflected by a c-statistic above 0.8, in both validation samples. Most predictors selected into
the tool pertained to substance use including use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol
and energy drinks mixed with alcohol, but not to mental or physical health.